Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

I remember I once saw a comment on a YouTube video that described
all Chinese people as evil :(
It made me so mad because there are so, SO many peoplewho are
Chinese and to generalize them like that is just...awful.
A theoretical space without racism.
I’d feel much less self conscious about my appearance.There are some
things people have said to me before because of myrace, and I’ve felt
inferior :(
I used to get bullied when I was young— I don’t thinkit was completely
because of my race, but that was always on the backof my mind. I
think the not-knowing of why I was being bullied isespecially anxiety
inducing, because I was always on edge of what thingsI’d do (ex. I love
sushi, but because I was scared I was being bulliedfor being Asian, I
would never eat it)
I kind of felt like a pet :( I think now, I’m a lotmore confident and I’d
definitely stand up for myself if something like thatever happened
again. But it would be nice to live in a world freefrom racism (and even
nicer to live in a world free from bullies lmao).
I think one thing would be people who are misinformedabout Asian
cultures (i.e. thinking that all East Asians eat dogs).It’s very annoying
when people don’t even try to educate themselves :(
I wish I had the courage to stand up for myself thatsome of my other
Eastern Asian friends had. I remember once, my Chinesefriend and I
were getting teased for our eyes (a classmate wouldtug on his eyes in
different directions and do the “Chinese, Japanese,Korean” thing)
friend turned around, spread her eyelids with herfingers, and said
It’s still something that I think about to this day(LOL).
To someone.
a sentence that i’d gift is that times are still tough,but the future is
bright! i’m just a stranger over the internet, buti support and believe in
you all 梁.


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