Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | nationality & ethnicity: Iranian
The colors reminds me of a sunny day and also happiness.and I
suppose how some people refer to skin color.
Well,simply putting it what defines being Asian isliving and being born
in Asia I suppose.
Just Asian
The set of words i chose is basically what I thoughtof after reading the
meaning of the word ethnicity, and it just representsthe whereabouts
of my birth and the place I call home.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I dont really know that many Asian stereotypes butone that I differ
from is that I struggle academicly sometimes(causeapparently there's
the stereotype of Asians being good with studyingand these
I think Asian stereotypes (or just stereotypes ingeneral) are somewhat
odd and that no matter race or sex or anything it'swrong to just
assume things about people just because of stereotypes.
A theoretical space without racism.
I would probably be the same,but the difference it'llmake would be
nice and beneficial to human race.i feel like a placewithout racism
would allow great people to achieve things that theydeserve and it'll
also lessen the stress and pressure for people thusit'll be a healthier
Um...well...I wouldn't say its about Asia...its moreabout my
country...that I feel like the stereotypes about mypeople and country
are so wide spread that I don't feel that comfortablesharing where I'm
from while talking to forigners.(so yeah...negativeimpact).
Well...that Asians aren't all the is madeup of a lot countries
with many different beliefs and many different customsand even each
person is different from the to generalisesuch a big group of
people and to lable and describe them with certainstereotypes is
honestly what I'm saying is that in generalusing
stereotypes or believing them or just assuming thingsabout people is
To someone.
Well...just that you shouldn't force an image on people.


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