Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 65
rest of the world it also helps propel unrealistic expectations within
the Asian community. There are unsaid expectationsare demands.
Even within India there are stereotypes, if I studysocial sciences I’m
stupid, if I wear dresses I’m too “western and fashionable”.
A theoretical space without racism.
I’ve lived in India all my life. I lived in the USAfor a month a couple
years back but I’ve never really experienced racismin a severe way.
Right now, freedom from racism would mean freedomfor me to reside
anywhere in the world. My parents tell me to not livein Ireland,
Australia and a couple other countries in accountof their Xenophobia
and it’s a little scary to hear about that.
I don’t think there’s a lot of conversation I’ve hadwith people who
aren’t Indian. One thing they’re always surprisedabout it how well we
can converse in English. It’s left a really big impactof me in the sense
that people still think most Asians to be v stereotypicalwhen in reality
there’s a diverse bunch around.

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