Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 67
Tal | 20 | she/her | nationality: Singaporean | ethnicity:Chinese
Yellow symbolises happiness and joy as seen by everyoneincluding
myself. That's pretty much my only thoughts on Yellow.
In terms of history I know there are Western peoplewho tend to relate
yellow to asian(Chinese, Japanese etc) people, callingtheir skin yellow.
I never actually understood why though...
Then again sometimes we like to joke about how stayinghome makes
our skin yellow , once again very understood how thatworks either so I
usually just not bother much.
I supposed it's the little quirks and familaritiesthat makes us "Asians".
How it seems that it's expected of you to be ableto use the chopsticks ,
strict upbringing since young, somehow never looktheir age type of
skin, good grades and everything (this one differsfor everyone really,
here in Singapore we just call it being "Kiasu" orthe fear of losing).
If you have Asian blood in your veins you're Asian,no matter if you're
only a quarter or even lesser. Sure you might be bornin a non-Asian
country and be brought up with western ways but you'restill part
Not sure if I'm intrpeting this correctly but foodis a good thing that
brings Asians together.
Sometimes embarrassing
My ethnicity talks alot about saving/losing face soyeah Pride is very
Youthful is genetics, many tend to say Asians ageslower/don't look
their age. So I think it's just a common belief amongeveryone right
One time a relative was watching a kpop music videowith me and
pointed out who they assumed was the oldest of thegroup and was
then visibly surprised to find out that the personwas the second
youngest. This person was born American and the restof the group
were Koreans. ....yeah the rest looking very youthful, even the oldest
in the group. Sort of backs up the youthful thingis trait among Asians.
Determined is influenced by society , Asians tendto have the mentality
to "be the best" , thus high expectations towardstheir offsprings.
Rich as in rich in culture. Many left China Mainlandto find jobs and
settle in other countries.

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