Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Sometimes embarrassing, this is going to sound racist but mainlanders
sometimes do have really really bad behaviour andin result outsiders
just tend to assume all Chinese are like that andthat's a problem
because not all Chinese are like that , you just sawthe few that suck.
Pride is a thing Chinese always harp about, it's funnyhow it's the direct
opposite of the few people who suck and embarrassedthe rest of the
Chinese, no shame yeah?
My thoughts are definitely influenced and a responseto racism. Both
good and bad.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
Well to begin with , I am definitely not smart atall. Maybe I used to be
but as of now, nope. Also I cannot use chopsticksproperly.
I supposed everyone just assumed I know how to write/talkin Chinese
but actually I'm pretty sure I am very rusty at itand I can only form
minimal sentences in Chinese. Thank goodness there'sHanyu Pinyin or
would never text anything in Chinese ever again.
I guess the stereotypical smart Chinese did affectme since once again,
we are determined people , so I tend to feel ratherupset if I don't get
grades I want.
A theoretical space without racism.
I supposed I'd be pretty much the same as I am now.Though I'd
assume this world would be less offensive and violenttowards Asians.
A while ago a Malaysian Comedy show host who livesabroad in
England got assault just because he's Asian. Sucksif you ask me.
Probably won't happen in this imaginary world.
Hmm there isn't any actually. Since I grow up withother Asians so we
are pretty much chill with each other. Can't say thesame for Asians
who grew up overseas though. They probably have itbad.
Hehe this is gonna sound like slightly a little racist, I did mean well
but I think my actions seems to mean the opposite.Wished I had the
chance to actually explain.
Racism is actually pretty heavy here if you look closeenough especially
towards construction workers. (Who are mostly indians)
A time I had a canvas and was sitting on a train seatwith it on lap.
Seated next to me was a Indian man. Because the canvaswas super
big I was having trouble trying to avoid hitting thepeople on either
sides of me , yet I don't want to put it on the flooreither. The poor man
must have thought I was avoiding him and ended upmoving to another
seat. I really felt bad since yeah they do get discriminatedhere.


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