Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 71
studies. I don't think these kinds of stereotypes are harmful or bad as
well; they make you feel more anchored in your cultureand sometimes
differentiate you from others in a good way.
A theoretical space without racism.
The day humanity has put racism behind is the dayit has reached one
of its peaks. For me personally, though, racism hasnever hindered me
to reach anything in life. If people of another skincolour or ethnicity
think I'm not good enough for the job, I'll try toprove them wrong
instead of letting that judgement sit on me like weights.Maybe I won't
get a job there, but I'll definitely get it elsewhere.I also never let it
prevent me from saying or making anything I want.In most cases when
living in western countries where equality is objectivelyhigher than
the rest of the world, racism only has a power overyou when you give
it power.
An interesting change would probably occur insideme, since I do have
my own prejudices and do have racists thoughts aboutpeople from
other groups sometimes, although I will never everact on it, knowing
that it's wrong. I think I would definitely benefitfrom those thoughts
being gone.
I think my ethnicity is rarely brought up in conversationin comparison
to my nationality and also my race. Unless they askwhich specific
island I am from in Indonesia, I would've just statedI'm Indonesian.
Also, unless they ask about the culture specifically,I would not need to
elaborate which ethnicity since the culture is ultimatelytied very
closely to ethnicity in Indonesia.
To someone.
For others of asian descent, regardless of ethnicity,here is a message
for you: we are many and we are diverse. We each haveour own plus
and minus when it comes to our culture, and maybethe minus would
come to stab us in the back in the form of stereotypes.However, I
encourage you to not let this form of racism bringyou down. It might
be tempting to point the finger and call the racistshorrible names, but
we do not strive to be hateful like them. All we haveto do is prove that
they are wrong -- or better: that we are more thanwhat they label us.
Use those plus-es in the culture to your advantageand come up on top
in your way.

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