Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | nationality: Sinaporean | ethnicity: Chinese
Yellow isn't much commonly used from where I am sincemajority of
the population is Chinese so it isn't too commonlyheard even between
friend groups even where casual racism may happen.So "yellow" isn't
really a big offence here and even if I were to becalled that, I would
not be offended much. Personally, I have never experiencedbeing
called yellow since it is "ineffective" be used asa racist slur, as to how a
white person calling another white would be pointless/inoffensive
.However, "yellow" does trigger the thought of otherraces being called
"black", especially the Malays and Indians in ourcountry who are being
discriminated against due to their dark skin toneand this is where the
racism usually comes from. Our parents would warnus of the dark
skinned people especially construction workers asthey have a
reputation, among the older generation as being uneducatedand
unhygienic with the lack of manners. It is also notto be mistaken that
all construction workers are dark skinned or indianas some are from
China as well and are "yellow" but yet do not getdiscriminated against
due to their skin colour. Parents would also warntheir children to stay
away from Malays or not to mix around with them dueto stereotyping
all Malays as bad people that are poor in educationand have bad
mannerisms and will drag you down to their level.So, the term
"yellow" although could be used as a racial slur,it is very rare and the
more common racist slur would be calling dark-skinnedpeople "black".
Personally I think being Asian is where you were bornat. If you were to
be born in any part of Asia, then you would be Asian.I do not consider
genetics, culture or generations to affect whethersomeone is Asian or
not, though all these factors may affect whether someoneis considered
to be less or more Asian, be it in their blood, traditionsor upbringing.
Shared habits and similarities in the way our parentsact or behave
brings us Asians together. For example, Asian parentsare usually
known to be very strict and have high expectations,so asian children
can relate to one another in how their parents arelike. Traditions are
usually what bring Asians together especially whenwe celebrate but
we have to keep in mind that there are many differenttypes of Asians
and each type of Asian may have different traditionsand beliefs.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I am not as intellectually talented and hardworkingalong with no
talents for any musical instruments unlike the stereotypeof Asians
being smart and being able to do most things perfectly.I personally do
not like Asian stereotypes as they mostly contradictwho I am like and
have people expect me to be smarter than Non-asians,often


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