Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 77
disappointed when they find out that I am just like them. As I live in an
Asian populated country which is mostly harmoniousbetween the
different races of Asians, there isn't much asianstereotype mentioned ,
however there is one for me where Asians should notpursue art/ take
an interest in art as they might not get a decentpaying job when older.
This plays a huge factor for me as I have passionin arts however my
mother does not like it and my father is neutral.This has led to a few
arguments especially when choosing a path for my educationand my
mother telling me to choose an education path forsomething "better"
like a doctor or lawyer.
A theoretical space without racism.
I would definitely feel relieved since all the raceswould be treated
equally both in school and work places, lesseningany unhappiness and
problems that arose from racial issues. People willalso be able to be
confident in their own skin colours, traditions andcultures without fear
of being judged by society's standards of what isconsidered "normal". I
dislike it especially when some teachers clearly pickon certain
students, even sometimes my friends during class becauseof their skin
colour , so an imaginary world without racism wouldbe better for all
races and no other race would seem less or more inferior.This
imaginary world reminds me of when I was in lowerprimary and the
concept of racism was not in my mind and thus didnot find those with
darker or lighter skin colour any different from therest and everyone
was equal regardless of race. I realised that peopleof same race
usually stick together and so a theoretical spacewithout racism would
have more people of different races that mixed togetherand spend
more time with one another.
A lot of people don't realise that not all Asiansare Chinese and there
are many Asians of different races with cultures andtraditions. But I
think they need to understand this so as to not buncha group of Asians
to all be the same with the same stereotypes especiallyfor physical
appearance (eg. Small eyes, yellow skin) as Asiansall have their own
unique differences.
To someone.
Never look down on yourself because you are Asian.You must be proud
of your culture and embrace it. Just because somepeople think that
Asians are inferior, you should not let it get toyour head as you should
believe no race is more superior than the other andhold that belief
close to you.

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