Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | nationality: Canadian | ethnicity: Chinese
I mostly hated yellow as a kid. i don’t know whereit came from, but I
thought it was really ugly. I thought of like a murkyjaundice instead of
a canary yellow. And so, as an asian kid with a moreyellow tone i also
didn’t like my skin colour. I wasn’t heavily tintedyellow, but when i put
my hand out for a handshake or when my ankles wereshowing for sky
blue sky blue i could always see a noticeably differentyellow hue to it.
I also hated sunscreen because of that. I felt liketan would look better
than yellow. Wanted to get a nice rich caramel hueto cover up the
yellow tinge. Even to this day i still don’t knowwhere my hate for
yellow really came from.
I think being “Asian” has both a “nationality” and“cultural” part to it. In
terms of the “nationality” aspect, I think Asians should have some kind
of nationality/origin or roots from Asian countries.And in the “cultural”
aspect, I think Asians should be willing to respecttheir own heritage.
That could mean that they’ve either accepted theirculture, or are in/are
willing to go through the journey of respecting theirculture.
China, spicy, numb, loud, crackle.
I think most of the words that I chose come from thepeople around
me. Most of the words relate to the party that werehosted by Asian
family friends (precovid) and those were the timeswhere we really got
to be with other Asian people. They words stemmedfrom the food we’d
have, the people we’d see there, and the entertainment.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I do my best not to cut corners to achieve something.I think even if
Asian stereotypes seem to be better stereotypes thanmost other races,
they can be just as harmful. I fall into the “passive”stereotype of the
asians so i use to get walked over a lot. And I useto do other people’s
homework when they asked me to because I hated confrontation.
A theoretical space without racism.
I think I wouldn’t try so hard to maintain a certaingrade level in
school- like as in i wouldn’t beat myself up as muchfor a bad grade. I
would also try to pursue something outside of science/math.The arts
and business, maybe? I would feel I would be moremore free. I
wouldn’t have to think about academics as much asI do now.
I think the main thing that I don’t talk about inregards to my
connection with Asia is how distant I feel. I don’tknow anything about
Asian culture, history, or literature and a majorityof Asian cuisine I


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