Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 79
have is more Americanized Asian than authentic Asian. I feel really out
of touch with my relatives in Asian.
I wish that I could stand up for the culture (or ata least a part of the
culture) that I was raised with. Especially with someof the (although
very little) truly Asian dishes I’d bring to school,I’d often feel ashamed
when other people feel weirded out by it. Insteadof standing up for it I
kind of just refused to bring it.
To someone.
to the people who are struggling with their culturalidentity, I’d just like
to say that any part of your culture isn’t weird ordisgusting just
because it’s different. A lot of thing you find weirdabout your culture
are going to be cool in t he future.

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