Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 81
I believe they do have a response to racism, it is in the indifference of
people, when racism flourishes because they do notattempt to or seek
to understand my culture. My experience of labellingis very much is a
response to racism.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I differ from an Asian stereotype because I was raisedin a
multi-cultural environment- I was exposed to differentpractices and
belief systems which influenced my character. I grewup relative
freedom to explore what I enjoyed rather than whatwas expected by
others. I see myself as naturally hard working inpart because of my
parent's work ethic.
I don't necessarily mind them, they can hold sometruth but can quickly
become distasteful when they are very exaggerated.Stereotypes made
me self-conscious and pressured due to the expectationsplaced on me.
For instance, I often labelled as the 'smart' asianand so there was
always an expectation placed on me to perform wellby my friends and
teachers alike. And if I didn't perform well, I wasteased endlessly
about it. In that, I think certain stereotypes suchas the 'smart' asian
were a burden and built an unhealthy mindset for meto conform to
their expectations.
A theoretical space without racism.
If I am honest, its hard to imagine a space withoutracism. It has had
such a presence all my life. However, I'd imagine,I would feel a sense
of comfort and relief in that space. My initial thoughtson this
theoretical space are related to the home. At home,we don't face
discrimination or any pressure, we simply feel welcomeand relaxed.
I never told anyone that in being Chinese, my parentswere from
Malaysia and HK respectively. The Chinese culturein both so slightly
differ in practice but remain fundamentally the same.However, I relate
to the Malaysian-Chinese diaspora more than the mainlandChinese.
Their assimilation into the Malay culture was helpedalong by finding a
commonality in worship. In the same way, I identifywith this as I
attempt to connect to my roots. I am usually consciousof sharing this
as others may not find it confusing or simply won'tcall me 'Chinese'
person. Now, I feel relief after being able to expressthis fact and with
confidence, the person I tell, will understand.
In response to a misconception about Asians, thereis profound depth
to our food cultures besides your local takeaways.Don't make fun of
me when I don't understand why fish and chips is onan Asian menu.
In correction, Asians are not put on this Earth tobe singled out and
taken advantage of-

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