Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 83
Anonymous | nationality: Norweigan | ethnicity: Afghani
The color itself, happiness, the sun, a color usedto describe east asians
in a condescending way.
In my opinion, i think you have to have some amountof asian blood in
you, and maybe feel connected to the culture as well.Of course anyone
can respect and appreciate asian traditions, food,clothing etc. However
if they aren't related to any asians, i do not thinkthat they could call
themselves asian.
I do know some asians that wouldn't really call themselvesasian on
the inside because of the culture around them, thereforei think culture
is important to your identity as well and if you wouldreally call
yourself asian or not. That's up to the individualthemself, but you can't
really deny your asian descent though.
Afghani, my parents are two afghani immigrants. Ihave typical afghani
features like black hair, dark eyes, brown skin. Ifeel pretty connected to
my ethnicity, I do not feel any shame or hatred towardsit (although
that might be because I haven't experienced a lotof racism).
I think my ethnicity is rooted within me as well asbeing influenced by
the people around me. I look afghani and have grownup in an afghani
household and have been influenced by my family andtheir beliefs. I
don't think my thoughts/feelings are a response toracism as I haven't
really experienced a lot of it in my life, but therehas been times where
I wished I was white/European because other kids justdidn't really
grow up in the same kind of household or understandmy beliefs (not in
a racist way, just kids being introduced to stuffthey aren't used to). But
I have wished I was white as that is a part of thebeauty standard in a
lot of places and is generally praised in Afghanistanas well.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I differ from asian stereotypes in many ways, i getinfluenced from the
media as well as the people around me and culture.I know what is
right and what is not, and my value. I get taughtthese things in school
and endless informasjon is available to anyone withInternet. However i
see myself in some stereotypes, but there is moreto asians than just
the stereotypes.
I get why some stereotypes exist because people whogrow up in
similar environments have some of the same beliefs,speech, behavior
or quirks. However people are broad and each withan unique
personality. It's not fair to define a person basedon geographical
location. Some stereotypes apply to people, and somedo not.

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