Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

I share some similarities to Asian stereotypes, I do like tea, I am pretty
modest, I like Bollywood movies , I have a big family, im kind of
good in math, etc and I think it's fine to think thatafghani people are
like this, but just don't put expectations on people,or be
surprised/disappointed in them if they aren't likeyou thought.
A theoretical space without racism.
I feel like i wouldn't change much, but I would liketo go to the city
alone which I currently can't. Also I think I probablywouldn't feel as
embarrassed in swim lessons (not that my skin coloris embarrassing
but when you're the only dark skinned person there,you get irrational
thoughts). I probably wouldn't feel as afraid whenI'm near a group of
white teenagers either. I would feel happy if therewas no racism in the
world. It would feel so including, and we could focuson other
important matters. It seems like a better world.
Maybe the fact that people marry young in some partsof Asia or marry
their own cousin. These things aren't normal in thewest, but happens
often there. Since I have grown up in the west it'squite weird
seeing/hearing about these things, and I don't saythese things because
then I would have to explain why and I wouldn't beable to explain why
things are as they are. I don't like the things thatare happening there
either, but I feel people would get a negative perceptionof me if they
even just knew that I was connected to people whohas either married
young or to their cousins for various reasons. I justfeel like people here
don't understand why someone would do something likethat because
they aren't connected to someone from there, or don'tlive there or is
educated enough. This doesn't mean that I supportthings like that, just
that I understand and try not to judge people becauseI don't know the
reasons they did it.
To someone.
I just want to say that nobody should be ashamed oftheir culture or
ethnicity because that is not all that defines youand you are more than
what you were born as.


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