Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 85
Anonymous | 20 | they/them, he/him | nationality:Swedish | ethnicity: Vietnamese
When I was young I always said yellow was my leastfavorite colour.
But as I’ve grown older and learned more about howthe word ’yellow’
represent us asians I’ve actually started to likethe colour.
Anyone who has predominantly asian genes can callthemselves asian.
I think anyone has the ability to reconnect to theirasian ”roots”
regardless if they for example have been raised bywhite parents or
outside of asia. In my opinions it’s important notto alienate someone
else just because they’re ”not asian enough” sinceasians are already
being alienated in so many other areas of society.
Growing up
I believe my perception of my ethnicity is rootedwithin myself. A lot of
my words have to do with my childhood and how muchI used to visit
Vietnam. Childhood, longing, travelling and growingup all represent
important memories of my time there, while the word’barriers’
represent me feeling like there’s still a barrierbetween me and the
people I meet there since I don’t speak vietnameseand wasn’t raised in
the country.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
Asian stereotypes have affected the way I relate toschool and studying
in a negative way. All through my childhood I missedlots of school
because of physical issues. But since I’m asian Iwas somewhat
expected to still do well in school. And even if Idid well I didn’t get
praised as much by some teachers. Even today whenI have a proper
narcolepsy diagnosis I can still feel pressured toperform well and get
good grades. I’m not sure if it’s the expectationsof others or really my
own expectations making me feel this way.
A theoretical space without racism.
In my imaginary world I would be able to walk downthe street with my
asian friends without having to worry about someoneshouting racist
remarks towards us. Young me would be able to go toschool without
having to deal with kids saying racist things to me.
I think this ideal world of mine looks just like alot of other peoples
ideal world. The goal is to live in a society whereracism doesn’t exist.

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