Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 87
Diana | 23 | she/her | nationality: French | ethnicity:Cambodian
Happiness, joy, energy, positivity
Also being called a Banana by older asian generations: yellow in the
outside, white in the inside. It reminds me of nonasian people saying
things such as "you're not like the other asians”.
First, I would define it as having asian genes. Butalso being educated
by an asian family who gave you some kind of culturalheritage
(language, food, history, values). However, someone who has asian
genes but hasn't been educated by asian people, orwho stays appart
from their cultural heritage is still Asian.
So anyone who has asian genes should be allowed tocall themselves
I don't know what brings Asians together because thereis so much
diversity within Asian people. The lack of fair Asianrepresentation
brings us together.
Complicated - blurry - mixed - Choice.
I tell people I have cambodian ethnicity because myparents and
grandparents were born in Cambodia. But geneticallyI'm not 100%
khmer (the Cambodian ethnic). My father has Chinesedescents
(Teochew) , and my mother may have other asian origins.
I feel more close to my cambodian culture becausemy parents talk to
each other in cambodian, we visited Cambodia, etc...But Chinese
culture is still present : we celebrate lunar newyear and my
grandmother speaks in Teochew.
That's why I feel like my relationship with my ethnicityis complicated.
I'm not Cambodian enough culturally (because bornIn France) and
genetically (too light skinned), but also not chineseenough
For the memories : I think of all the times I hadto explain where I
come from. I never know what to say : cambodian? Cambodianchinese?
Or should I refer to my nationality?
I think my perception of my ethnicity is influencedby other people,
closed ones and the society in general. It is alsoin relation to racism.
Many media and people think being Asian means beingChinese. I used
to create distance from my ethnicities because ofthat. But now it has
also a positive response, I'm trying to understandmy different cultures
and to share it through my projects (maybe it wouldn'thave been the
case if I didn't struggle with racism and my relationshipwith ethnicity).
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I just try to be in peace with myself. It is hardbecause my values and
mindset don't always fit with what is expected ofme as an Asian being

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