Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 89
Raneem | 18 | she/her | nationality: Syrian
The color white supremacists made us hate.
People usually don’t call Asians that when they don’tlook in a certain
way ?? I think how we look plays the biggest part.
Loyalty, truthfulness, generosity.
Because that’s how I want people to see us as. Hopefully!
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
The stereotypes are hugely affected by racism, andto me everyone
differs in his own way, yeah we have similaritiesbut we still have
different languages, different upbringings, and adifferent perspective.
A theoretical space without racism.
I think the way things are right now shaped who webecame .. racism
hurts but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
In the end I’d say that Asia is so big and holds upa lot of ethnicity and
historical events.. when referring to as an AsianI want people to be
proud of who we are and who we were in the past andI want people to
know if someone holding a grudge or is racist towardsyou for
something you didn’t choose in the first place, thenthey’re not even
worth getting mad at !!
I really hope that people would stop racism towardsanything or
anyone who is different. Yes we are different andwe should love that
because different doesn’t mean bad at all!! ..
So if someone ever did something bad don’t go on pointingfingers
towards innocent people that did nothing wrong andblame it all on his
We are humans we make mistakes and learn from them,we are always
learning from each other throughout our lives. Wewill keep on
learning from each other and from life until the daywe die.

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