Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 95
Anonymous | nationality: American | ethnicity: Vietnamese
i have tan skin and i was sometimes called yellowand whatnot, though
only from people i was comfortable with. it’s sometimesfunny but gets
boring after a while. basically it’s a weak attemptof an insult.
asian’s pretty simple in my terms, it’s having bloodrelations to
someone(or multiple people) in asia. it’s not exactlysomething that can
be removed like a label. i do find it weird when peopletry to pretend to
be asian and such, which is different from when othersappreciate our
culture. all of asia’s culture is diverse, so manythings bring us together
as much as they set us apart.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
i don’t only play piano/violin like people think.honestly it’s hard to not
categorize myself in a stereotype so this is kindatough..
i’m not pale or chinese like how all asians are assumedas. there is so
much diversity in asia but most people think onlychina, japan, and
korea exists. i also don’t have “asian” eyes aka monolidswhich are
mainly from east asia, and are a heavy stereotypemost people try to
make fun of.
the stereotypes are bothersome to say the least. i’veseen as it
discredits other asians for their hard work, similarto the all asians are
good at math trope.
the more obvious stereotypes that i fall under arei’m good at math,
have kinda strict parents, and i play the piano. allof them don’t affect
me too greatly because if someone said this to myface i’d shut them
up, but some of my not as confrontational friendsprefer not to talk
back to the dumpsters saying that dumb stuff.
A theoretical space without racism.
i’d imagine that space would have a lot more diversity.more people
would embrace and display their culture without bejudged. whether
it’s ethnic clothes, food, or other customs, somewherewithout racism
would make me very comfortable. i wouldn’t changethat much though,
i still celebrate holidays and events like the midautumn festival and
new year; others who can’t display it as much as ido would certainly
benefit from it though.
hmm i’m not sure if there is something prominent thatsrelated to my
ethnicity which has made a big impact. what i wentthrough was more
of the little things (people often calling me yellow,asking me to speak
chinese, asking if i was one of those korean people,stuff abt kim jung
un, etc.)
my opinions of asia and my ethnicity have been prettyfluid. most my
friends don’t know this but i’ve always hated my tanskin. it’s called

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