Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 97
Anonymous | nationality: Sinaporean | ethnicity: Chinese
"ew" was what i first thought when i saw the word.i always feel like i
associate it with yellow face. in tv shows and movies,
i have only seen one with it which was breakfast attiffany's. the yellow
face was really as racist as what the internet said.the actor acted as a
japanese with stereotypical small eyes and weirdly,had buck teeth. i
don't know where the buck teeth came from honestly.i remembered
being uncomfortable at how the character was beingjoked about. (by
showing that he 'can't see' without the glasses) ialso remembered the
fact that american award shows in the 30s-40s awardedactors with did
yellowface... honestly, though times have changed, ifeel like there is
still asian racism. the trend 'foxeyes' where mostlywhite people pulled
up their eyes to make them small is what i know of.and covid-19 too...
god.... the local newspaper reported about a singaporeanchinese who
studied in america being beaten up because of racism....and many
other reportings of "chinese looking people" likejapanese and koreans
being beaten up too makes me feel disgusted and disappointed.
this is a pretty hard question to answer. i feel likethere's no one way of
being asian. for me, i think being asian comes fromgenetics. there is
also cultures too but its not too common in this dayand age. i find
being asian means that we have shared experiences.i guess the one
that i could think of beside being prejudiced is makingmemes or joking
about how we will brought up. like all asian householdsdon't wear
shoes in their house while others might. and alsothe nagging and the
scoldings we would get. of course there are definitelyasians or mixed
people who don't identify with it but i still thinkthis is what being
asian means to me.

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