Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 99
Personally, as I don't fit the physical standards of what an Asian looks
like, I did not experience any racism pretaining toasian stereotypes. I
just believed them, and unfortunately, treated thosewho 'looked' asian
according to the stereotypes.
Asian stereotypes that I fit are being good at mathand having strict
parents. To me, these stereotypes are honestly reallyweird and oddly
specific, and I always wondered from where they began.
A theoretical space without racism.
I would be more comfortable speaking my language outloud in public.
I would definitely feel more safe and comfortablebeing me, or even
wearing traditional clothes from my country.
I don't think I would change much because I am notheavily affected by
racism (thankfully) so I would probably stay the sameas I am now, but
perhaps more confident and self-loving.
My first thoughts about this imaginary world wasit would be a so
much better place for alot of human beings, and thatI wish it could
come true.
I would say that it took a while for me to even considermyself asian. It
felt like my country was just seperated from asia,like we didnt belong
there because we just didnt fit what an asian lookslike. And so, I just
assumed that we couldnt be asians because of that.
I would also say that because of the stereotypes targetedtowards my
country, I intentionally distanced myself from itsculture. I didnt feel
the patriotism that people usually feel towards wheretheyre from, and
I still don't feel it now. Even though im proud ofwhere I am from, I
unfortunately feel disconnected (in relation to culture,customs, etc.)
from my ethnicity.
There were 2 incidents, both of which happened whenI was really
young, and looking back, I wish I had said something.
For the first one, I was at school and wanting tojoin a Lebanese culture
club and the school asked the lebanese students todonate some
money to help the club. A fellow Lebanese studentsaid to me
something that had the meaning of " They won't askyou since you
aren't a 'pure Lebanese'/ You can't join because youaren't a 'pure
Lebanese'". " I didn't respond to her, but I wishedI had challenged that
idea since Im sure (as we were young) that was anidea instilled in her
by her parents.
A second one was I have a family member ( whom doesn'tlive in my
house anymore ) that used to heavily perpetuate sterotypesabout
asians ( Im speaking specifically about Indians, chinese,japanese,
koreans and even Lebanese people.) This person wasvery close to me,

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