SGBP Final 4

(mdmrcog) #1

Rest to prevent flare-ups

Exercises should include regularly scheduled rest and breaks, including taking breaks
from such tasks as using a computer. You should learn to recognize your body's signals
and know when to stop or slow down. Resting sore joints decreases stress on the joints
and muscles. It also reduces muscle spasms and helps in pain relief.

Summary – Step One
You will need to regularly employ a combination of all the above
techniques to get rid of your back pain. Step One consists of:

 Lie in a comfortable position
 Keep changing positions frequently
 Apply an ice pack for 2 days followed by a hot water bottle or
warm towels twice or thrice daily
 Take analgesics and/ or NSAIDs to relieve pain and inflammation
on a regular basis for a few days if the above measures do not
alleviate the pain
 Muscle relaxants may be required for a few days if the pain is
intense and not relieved by the above medications
 Start moving around as soon as possible within 1 – 2 days of the
onset of pain. Increase activity slowly but steadily till normal
activity routines are resumed
 Once the pain has reduced significantly, start simple stretching
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