Human Anatomy Vol 1

(mdmrcog) #1

Muscles of thenar eminence
Abductor pollicis brevis (Fig. 9.20)
Flexor pollicis brevis
Opponens pollicis

Adductor of thumb
Adductor pollicis

Muscle of medial side of palm
Palmaris brevis
Muscles of hypothenar eminences
Abductor digiti minimi
Flexor digiti minimi
Opponens digiti minimi

Lumbricals (Fi9.9.21)
Lumbricals (4)

Palmar interossei
Palmar (a) (Fig.9.2ab)

Dorsal interossei
Dorsal (4) (Figs 9.23 and9.24a)

Table 9.6: Nenie supply and actions of smafi muscles of the hand
Nerve supply

Median nerve
Median nerve
Median nerve

Deep branch of ulnar nerue which
ends in this muscle

Superficial branch of ulnar nerve

Deep branch of ulnar nerve
Deep branch of ulnar nerve
Deep branch of ulnar nerve

First and second, i.e. lateral two by
median nerve; third and fourth by
deep branch of ulnar nerve

Deep branch of ulnar nerve

Deep branch of ulnar nerve


Abduction of thumb
Flexes metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb
Pulls thumb medially and forward across palm
(opposes thumb towards the fingers)

Adduction of thumb

Wrinkles skin to improve grip of palm

Abducts little finger
Flexes little finger
Pulls fifth metacarpal fonivard as in cupping the

Flex metacarpophalangeal joints, extend
interphalangeal joints of 2nd-Sth digits

Palmar interossei adduct fingers towards centre
of third digit or middle finger

Dorsal interossei abduct fingers from centre of third
digit. Both palmar and dorsal interossei flex the
metacarpophalangeal joints and extend the
interphalangeal joints

.Gt Pam



Fig. 9.26: The planes of movements of the thumb

the lateral side, the arch is completed by superficial
palmar branch of radial artery (Fig.9.32).

The superficial palmar arch lies deep to the palmaris
Fig.9.25: The planes of movements of the fingers brevis and the palmar aponeurosis. It crosses the palm
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