from index finger and two digital veins from
thumb to form cephalic vein. It runs proximally
inthe anatomical snuff box, curves, rormd the lateral
border of wrist to come to front of forearm. In a
similar manner the medial end of the arch joins
with one digital vein only from medial side of little
finger to form basilic vein. It also curves round
the medial side of wrist to reach front of forearm.
These metacarpal veins may unite in different
ways to form a dorsal venous plexus.
b. Cutaneous neraes: These are superficial branch of
radial nerve and dorsal branch of ulnar nerve. The
nail beds and skin of distal phalanges of 3l/zlateral
nails is supplied by median nerve andlr/z medial
nails by ulnar nerve. The superficial branch of
radial nerve supplies lateral half of dorsum of
hand with two digital branches to thumb and one
to lateral side of index and another common
digital branch to adjacent sides of index and
middle fingers.
Dorsal branch of ulnar supplies medial half of
dorsum of hand with proper digital branches to
medial side of little finger; two common digital
branches for adjacent sides of little and ring fingers
and adjacent sides of ring and middle fingers.
c. Dorsal carpal arch: It is formed by dorsal carpal
branches of radial and ulnar arteries and lies close
to the wrist joint. The arch gives three dorsal
metacarpal arteries which supply adjacent sides
of index, middle; ring and little fingers. One digital
artery goes to medial side of little finger. The arch
also gives branches to the dorsum of hand.
3 Spaces on dorsum of hand:
There are two spaces on the dorsum of hand:
a. Dorsal subcutaneous space, lying just subjacent
to skin. Skin of dorsum of hand is loose can be
pinched and lifted off.
b. Dorsal subtendinous space lies deep to the
extensor tendons, between the tendons and the
metacarpal bones (Fig. 9.52).
4 DeE fnscia: The deep fascia is modified at the back
of hand to form extensor retinaculum.
Exlensor Retinoculum
The deep fascia on the back of the wrist is thickened to
form the extensor retinaculum which holds the extensor
tendons in place. It is an oblique band, directed
downwards and medially. It is about 2 cm broad
vertically (Fig. 9.55).
Laterally: Lower part of lhe anterior border of the
i. Styloid process of the ulna.
ii. Triquetral.
iii. Pisiform.
The retinaculum sends down septa which are attached
to the longitudinal ridges on the posterior surface of
the lower end of radius. In this way, 6 osseofascial
compartments are formed on the back of the wrist.
The structures passing through each compartment,
from lateral to the medial side, are listed in Table 9.8
and Fig. 9.56.
Each compartment is lined by a synovial sheath,
which is reflected onto the contained tendons.
There are seven superficial muscles on the back of the
1 Anconeus
2 Brachioradialis (Fig. 9.57)
3 Extensor carpi radialis longus
(^4) Extensor carpi radialis brevis
5 Extensor digitorum (Fig 9.55).
6 Extensor digiti minimi
7 Extensor carpi uhraris.
All the seven muscles cross the elbow joint. Most of
them take origin (entirely or in part) from the tiP of the
lateral epicondyle of the humerus.
These muscles with their nerve supply and actions
are described in Tables 9.9 and9.70.
Additionol Poinls
1 The extensor digitorum and extensor indicis pass
through the same compartment of the extensor
retinaculum, and have a corilnon symovial sheath.
2 The four tendons of the extensor digitorum emerge
from undercover of the extensor retinaculum and fan
out over the dorsum of the hand. The tendon to the
index finger is joined on its medial side by the tendon
of the extensor indicis, and the tendon to the little
finger is joined on its medial side by the two tendons
of the extensor digiti minimi.
3 On the dorsum of the hand, adjacent tendons are
variably connected together by three intertendinous
connections directed obliquely downwards and
laterally. The medial connection is strong; the lateral
connection is weakest and may be absent.
The four tendons and three intertendinous
connections are embedded in deep fascia, and
together form the roof of the subtendinous
(subaponeurotic) space on the dorsum of the hand.