Anterior interosseous branch of median nerve
supplies 21/z muscles of front of the forearm, i.e.
flexor pollicis longus, pronator quadratus and
lateral half of flexor digitorum profundus.
Flexor retinaculum has a superficial slip medially
and a deep slip laterally. Deep to superficial slip
course ulnar nerve and vessels and superficial to
the deep slip passes the tendon of flexor carpi
Thenar eminence does not include the adductor
pollicis muscle. It comprises abductor pollicis
brevis, flexor pollicis brevis and opponens
Median nerve supplies^5 muscles in the palm, three
muscles of thenar eminence and 1st and 2nd
lumbricals. It is called "Labourer's nerve". Median
nerve is also the "Eye of the hand".
Ulnar nerve is called "Musician's nerve". It
supplies 15 intrinsic muscles of the hand.
There are 12 muscles on the back of forearm, two
are smaller lying in upper 1, /4rh of the forearm,
five are inserted close to the wrist; five get inserted
into the phalanges. All are supplied by posterior
interosseous nerve, Injury to the nerve causes
"wrist dropt".
Lateral 31/znallbeds are supplied by median nerve
and medial T1/znailbeds by ulnar nerve.
Case 1
A young man practising tennis complained of severe
pain over lateral part of his right elbow. The pain
was pin pointed over his lateral epicondyle.
. \,Vhy does pain occur over lateral epicondyle
during tennis games?
. Which other games can cause similar pain?
the forearm. It can also oecur in swimming,
gymnastics, basketball, table tennis, i.e. any sport
Case 2
A S5-year-old woman complained of abnormal
sensations in her right thumb, index, middle and part
of ring fingers. Her pain increased during night.
There was weakness of her thumb movements.
o Which nerve was affected and where? Name the
is from palmar cutaneous branch of median nerve
Which of the following nerves leads to wrist drop? 4. Which of the following muscles is not supplied by
a. Ulnar median nerve?
b. Radiat a. Abductor pollicis brevis
c. Median b. Flexor pollicis brevis
d. Musculocutaneous c. Opponens pollicis
Nerve supply of adductor pollicis is: d. Adductor pollicis
a. Median nerve 5. Which of the following nerves is involved in carpal
b. Superficial branch of ulnar nerve tunnel syndrome?
c. Deep branch of ulnar nerve a' Ulnar b' Median
d. Radial nerve c. Radial d. Musculocutaneous
Which of the following is the action of dorsal 6'
a. Abduction of fingers
b. Flexion of thumb
c. Adduction of fingers
d. Extension of metacarpophalangeal joints
Which of the following structures does not pass
through the carpal turmel?
a. Palmar cutaneous branch of median nerve
b. Median nerve
c. Tendons of flexor digitorum profundus
d. Tendon of flexor pollicis longus