Human Anatomy Vol 1

(mdmrcog) #1

c. Medial aspect of arm
d. Tip of the shoulder

11i. Tt, T2
iv. C6

B. Fol eoch of the incomplele stotemenls or
questions below, one oI more completions ol
onswers given is/ore corect. Selecl.
A. If only a, b and c are correct
B. If only a and c are correct
C. If only b and d are correct
D. If only d is correct
E. If all are correct

  1. Lrjury to the median nerve in the arm would affect:
    a. Pronation of the forearm
    b. Flexion of the wrist
    c. Flexion of the thumb
    d. Supination of the forearm

  2. Which of the following is/are true regarding
    a. The head of the humerus commonly dislocates
    b. Common sites of fracture are surgical neck, shaft
    and supracondylar region

c. Lower end is the growing end.
d. Axillary, radial and ulnar nerves are directly
related to the bone

  1. Clavicle:
    a. Is a long bone
    b. Develops by intramembranous ossification
    c. Is the first bone to ossify
    d. Has a well-developed medullary cavity

  2. In Erb's paralysis:
    a. Abduction and lateral rotation of the arm are lost.
    b. Flexion and pronation of the forearm are lost
    c. Biceps and supinator jerks are lost
    d. Sensations are lost over the medial side of the
    L0. Which of the following statements is/are true
    regarding'mammary gland'?
    a. It is modified sweat gland
    b. Lies in superficial fascia
    c. 75% of the lymph from mammary gland drains
    into axillary ly-ph nodes
    d. Some lymphatic vessels communicate with the
    lymph vessels of opposite side





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