Human Anatomy Vol 1

(mdmrcog) #1

(lesser tubercle)

Pectoralis major

Radial fossa
Extensor carpi radialis
Common extensor origin

Capsular ligament
of shoulder joint

Radial groove

Medial head of
triceps brachii

Fig.2.15: Attachments of right humerus: Anterior view

6 The latissimus dorsi is inserted into the floor of the
intertubercular sulcus.
7 The teres major is inserted into the medial lip of the
intertubercular sulcus.
8 The contents of the intertubercular sulcus are:
a. The tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii, and
its synovial sheath.
b. The ascending branch of the anterior circumflex
humeral artery.
9 The deltoid is inserted into the deltoid tuberosity
(Fig. 2.15).
10 The coracobrachialls is inserted into the rough area
on the middle of the medial border.
11 The brachialis arises from the lower halves of the
anteromedial and anterolateral surfaces of the shaft.
Part of the area extends onto the posterior aspect
12 The brachiorndialls arises from the upper two-thirds
of the lateral supracondylar ridge (Fig. 2.15).
L3 The extensor carpi radialis longus arises from the lower
one-third of the lateral supracondylar ridge (Fig. 2.15).
14 The pronntor teres (humeral head) arises from the lower
one-third of the medial supracondylar ridge (Fig. 2.15).
15 The superficial flexor muscles of the forearm arise by a
cofillnon origin from the anterior aspect of the medial
epicondyle. This is called lhe common flexor origin.
15 The superficial extensor muscles of the forearm and
supinator have a common origin from the lateral
epicondyle. This is called the common extensor
origin (Fig.2.15).
17 The nnconeus (Greek elbow) arisesfromtheposterior
surface of the lateral epicondyle (Fig.2.1,6).
L8 Lateral head of triceps brachii arises from oblique
ridge on the upper part of posterior surface above
the radial groove, while Lls medial head arises from
posterior surface below the radial groove (Fig.2.16).
19 The capsular ligament of the shoulder joint is attached
to the anatomical neck except on the medial side
where the line of attachment dips down by about
two centimetres to include a small area of the shaft
within the joint cavity. The line is interrupted at the
intertubercular sulcus to provide an aperture
through which the tendon of the long head of the
biceps brachii leaves the joint cavity (Fig. 2.13).
20 The capsular ligament of the elbow ioint is attached to
the lower end along a line that reaches the upper
limits of the radial and coronoid fossae anteriorly;
and of the olecranon fossa posteriorly; so that these
fossae lie within the joint cavity. Medially, the line
of attachment passes between the medial epicondyle
and the trochlea. On the lateral side, it Passes
between the lateral epicondyle and the capitulum
(Figs 2.15 and2.1.6).
2L Three nerves are directly related to the humerus and
are, therefore, liable to injury: The axillary at the

Capsular ligament
of shoulder joint
Latissimus dorsi

Teres major

Medial head of
triceps brachii


Capsular ligament
of elbow
Pronator teres
Coronoid fossa
Common flexor origin

Greater tubercle
Teres minor

Lateral head of
triceps brachii




Olecranon fossa


Fig.2.16: Attachments of right humerus: Posterior view
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