Human Anatomy Vol 1

(mdmrcog) #1
lnternal intercostal

Collateral branch of
intercostal nerve
External intercostal

Fig. 14.2: Section through intercostal space showing neuro-
vascular bundle and their collateral branches

2 The fibres of the internal intercostal run downwards,
backwards and laterall/, i.e. at right angle to those
of the external intercostal.

3 The fibres of the transversus thoracis run in the same
direction as those of the intemal intercostal:

f\le Sapply

All intercostal muscles are supplied by the intercostal
nerves of the spaces in which they lie.


Actions of lhe lnlercoslal fuluscfes
The main action of the intercostal museles is to
prevent intercostal spaces being drawn in during
inspiration and bulging outwards during expiration.
The external intercostals, interchondral portions of
the internal intercostals, and the levator costae may
elevate the ribs during inspiration.
The intemal intercostals except for the interehondral
portions and the transversus thoraeis may depress
the ribs or cartilages during expiration.

lnlercostol Nerves
The intercostal nerves are the anterior primary rami of
thoracic one to thoracic eleven (Fig. 143) spinal nerves
after the dorsal primary ramus has been given off. The
anterior primary ramus of the twelfth thoracie nerve
forms the strbcostal nerve. In adclition to supplying the
intercostal spaces, the upper two intercostal nerves also
supply the upper limb. The lower five intercostal
nerves, seventh to eleventh thoracic nerves also supplv
abdominal wall. These are, therefore, said tobe thoraco-
abdominnl nerues. The remaining nerves; third to sixth
supply only the thoracic wall; they are called typical
intercostal neraes.
The subcostnl nerae is distributed to the abdominal
wall and to the skin of the buttock.

Intercostal nerve runs in the costal groove and encls
near the sternum.

Costal pleura

intereostal vessels

lntercostal nerve
lntercostalis intimi

Collateral branches of
posterior intercostal vessels

Dorsal root ganglion

Lateral branch
Dorsal ramus

Pleural branch

Lateral cutaneous branch

Muscular branch

Periosteal branch

Medial branch

Transverse section of
spinal cord

Ventral ramus (intercostal nerve)
Grey ramus communicans

Sympathetic ganglion

Fig. 14.3: Typical thoracic spinal nerve

Anterior cutaneous braneh
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