Human Anatomy Vol 1

(mdmrcog) #1

Thoraeoepigastrre vein

Superficial epigastric
draining into great
saphenous vein
Fig. 14.6: Obstruction to superior vena cava

2 The third to eleventh arteries arise from the
desceneling thoracic aorta (Fig. 14.8). The right-sided
arteries are longer than those of the left side as aorta
is to the left of median plane.

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In front of the aertebrae: The right posterior intercostal
arteries are longer than the left, and pass behind the
oesophagus, the thoracic duct, the azygos vein and the
sympathetie chain (Fig. 1a.9).
The left posterior intercostal arteries pass behind the
hemiazygos vein and the sympathetic chain.

Dorsal hranch

lnternal thoraeic artery

Fig. 14.72 Scheme showing the intercostal
and two anterior intercostal arteries

ln the intercostal spnce: The artery is accompanied by
the intercostal vein and nerve, the relationship from
above downwards being vein-artery-nerve (VAN).
The neurovascular bundle runs forwards in the costal
groove, first between the pleura and the internal
intercostal membrane and then between the internal
intercostal and intercostalis intimi muscles (Fig. 1,a.4.

Each posterior intercostal artery ends at the level of the
costochondral junction by anastomosing with the uPPer
anterior intercostal artery of the space (Fig. 14.7).

L A dorsal branch supplies the muscles and skin of
the back, and gives off a spinal branch to the spinal
cord and vertebrae (F\9. La.n.
2 A collateral branch arises near the angle of the rib,
descends to the upper border of the lower rib, and
ends by anastomosing with the lower anterior
intercostal artery of the space.
3 Muscular arteries are given off to the intercostal
muscles, the pectoral muscles and the serratus
4 A lateral cutaneous branch accompanies the nerve
of the same name.
5 Mammary branches arise from the second, third and
fourth arteries and supply the mammary gland.
6 The right bronchial artery arises from the right third
posterior intercostal artery.

,Anferfor fnfsre*sfad A rie$
There are nine intercostal spaces anteriorly as only ten
ribs reach front of body. There are two anterior
intercostal arteries in each space. In the upper six spaces,
they arise from the intemal thoracic artery. In seventh

Posterior intercostal artery

Collateral branch

Thoracic aorta Lateral cutaneous branch

Anterior intercostal arteries
arteries. Each intercostal space contains one posterior intercostal, its collateral branch
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