Case 1
A young boy with sore throat while playing with
small coins, puts^3 coins in his mouth. When asked
by his mother, he takes out two of them, and is not
able to take out one.
. Where is the third coin likely to pass?
. What can be the dangers to the boy?
Ans: Since the trr:y was having sore throat, it is likely
the coin has been inhaled into his respiratory
Large spongy lungs occupy almost whole of
thoracic cage leaving little space for the heart and
accompanying blood vessels, etc.
Bronchopulmonary segments are independent
functional units of lung.
Lungs are subjected to lot of insult by the smoke
of cigarette / bidis / pollution.
Tuberculosis of lung is one of the commonest killer
in an underdeveloped or a developing country.
Complete treatment of TB is a must, otherwise the
bacteria become resistant to antitubercular
passages" The coin would pass down the larynx,
trachea, right principal bronchus, as it is in line with
trachea. e coin further descends into lower lobe
bronchus, and inio its posterior basal segrnent. That
segment of the lung would get blocked, causing
respiratory symptoms.
If the coin goes ilto orophar and oesophagus,
it will comfortably travel down whole of digestive
tract and would corne out in the faecal matter next
Case 2
A 4S-year-old man complained of severe cough,loss
of weight, alteration of his voice. He has been
smoking for last 25 years. Radiograph of the chest
followed by biopsy revealed bronchogenic car-
cinoma in the left upper lobe of the lung.
. Where did the cancer cells metastasise?
o What caused alteration of his voice?
Ans: The bronchogenic carcinoma spread to the
breinchomediastinal lymph nodes. The left supra-
clavicular nodes are also enlarged and palpable; so
these are called 'sentinal nodes'. The enlarged
bronchomediastinal lymph may exert pressure on
the ieft recurrent laryngeai nerve in the thorax
causing alteration of voice. The cancer of iung is
mostly due to smoking.
Which one of the following structures is not related
to medial surface of right lung?
a. Superior vena cava
b. Thoracic duct
c. Trachea
d. Oesophagus
\Atrhich of the following structures is single at the
root of each lung?
a. Pulmonary vein
b. Pulmonary artery
c. Bronchus
d. Bronchial artery
Which one of the following is not a common relation
to the roots of both lungs?
a. Anterior pulmonary plexus
b. Pericardiacophrenic vessels
c. Superior vena cava
d. Phrenic nerve
Part of lung aerated by a respiratory bronchiole is:
a. A lobule
b. A segment
c. Alveolus
d. Pulmonary unit
- Respiratory bronchiole ends in all microscopic
passages except:
a. Alveolar ducts
b. Atria
c. Pulmonary alveoli
d. Terminal bronchiole - The effect of parasympathetic onlungs areallexcept:
a. Motor to bronchial muscle
b. Secretomotor to mucous glands of bronchial tree ':'1'
c. Responsible for cough reflex
d. Causes bronchodilation - Which of the following structures run in the
intersegmental planes of the lungs?
a. Segmental venules
b. Bronchial vessels
c. Pulmonary arteries
d. Bronchus