Mediastinum (Latin intermediate) is the middle space
left in the thoracic cavity inbetween the lungs. Its most
important content is the heart enclosed in the peri-
cardium in the middle part of the inferior mediastinum
or the middle mediastinum. Above it, lies superior
mediastinum. Anterior and posterior to the heart are
anterior mediastinum and posterior mediastinum
The mediastinum is the median septum of the thorax
between the two lungs. It includes the mediastinal
pleurae (Figs 15.5 and 15.8).
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Reflect the upper half of manubrium sterni upwards and
study the boundaries and contents of superior and three
divisions of the inferior mediastinum.
Anteriorly: Stemum
P osteriorly : Vertebral column
Super iorly : Thoracic inlet
lnferiorly: Diaphragm
On each side: Mediastinal pleura.
For descriptive purposes the mediastinum is divided
into the superior mediastinum and the inferior medi-
astinum. The inferior mediastinum is further divided
into the anterior, middle and posterior mediastinum
(Fig. 17.1).
The superior mediastinum is separated from the
inferior by an imaginary plane passing through the
sternal angle anteriorly and the lower border of the
Vertebral column
lnlet of thorax
Superior mediastinum
lnferior mediastinum
Branches of internal
thoracic artery
Body of sternum
Anterior Mediostinum
Sternopericardial ligament
Middle Mediostinum
Posterior mediastinum
Fig. 17.1 : Subdivisions of the mediastinum
body of the fourth thoracic vertebra posteriorly. The
inferior mediastinum is subdivided into three parts by
the pericardium. The area in front of the pericardium
is the anterior mediastinum. The area behind the
pericardium is the posterior mediastinum. The
pericardium and its contents form the middle medi-
Anteriorly : Manubrium sterni (Fig. 17.1).
Pasteriorly: Upper four thoracic vertebrae
Superiorly:Plane of the thoracic inlet
I riorly: An imaginary plane passing through the
sternal angle in front, and the lower border of the body
of the fourth thoracic vertebra behind.
On each side: Mediastinal pleura.