Right lymphatic duct
Right jugular lymph trunk
Right subclavian lymph trunk
Right bronchomediastinal lymph tiunk
lntercostal lymph vessels
Cisterna chyli
lnternal iliac lymph trunk
Left jugular lymph trunk
Left subclavian lymph trunk
Left bronchomediastinal lymph trunk
Thoracic duct
Descending thoracic lymph trunk
lntestinal lymph trunk
Left lumbar lymph trunk
External iliac lymph trunk
Fig. 20.11: The tributaries of the thoracic duct
1 Left common carotid artery.
2 Leftvagus.
3 Left internal jugular vein.
1 Vertebral artery and vein.
(^2) Sympathetic trunk.
3 Thyrocervical trunk and its branches.
4 Lefl phrenic nerve.
5 Medial border of the scalenus anterior.
5 Prevertebral fascia covering all the structures
7 The first part of the left subclavian artery.
The thoracic duct receives ly-ph from, roughly, both
halves of the body below the diaphragm and the left
half above the diaphragm (Fig. 20.11).
In the thorax, the thoracic duct receives lymph
vessels from the posterior mediastinal nodes and from
small intercostal nodes. At the root of the neck, efferent
vessels of the nodes in the neck form tiire left jugular
trunk, and those from nodes in the axilla form tl,:re left
subclaoian trunk. These trunks end in the thoracic duct.
The left bronchomediastinal trunk drains lymph from the
left half of the thorax and ends in the thoracic duct.
Trachea contains C-shaped hyaline cartilaginous
rings which are deficient posteriorly, so that the
oesophagus situated behind the trachea is not
compressed by trachea.
Trachea begins at 6th cervical vertebra and ends
at thoracic 4 (in expiration) by dividing into two
principal bronchi. Trachea is always patent.
Oesophagus is 25 cm long, like duodenum and
ureter. Its maximum part about 20 cm/8" lie in
thoracic cavity.
There is no digestive activity in the oesophagus.
Lower part of oesophagus is a site of portocaval
Thoracic duct drains lymph from both lower
limbs, abdominal cavity, left side of thorax, left
upper limb and left side of head and neck.
A young lady during her midpregnancy period
complained of rapid breathing and difficulty in
swallowing. She also gave a history of sore throat
with pains in her joints during childhood.
o What is the likely diagnosis?
o What is the explanation for her symptoms?