Human Anatomy Vol 1

(mdmrcog) #1
with a height of about 2.5 cm above the clavicle
(Fig. 21.1). Pleura lies in the root of neck on both sides.
The anterior margin, the costomediastinal line of
pleural reflection is as follows: On the dght side, it
extends from the sternoclavicular joint downwards and
medially to the midpoint of the sternal angle. From here
it continues vertically downwards to the midpoint of
the xiphisternal joint crosses to right of xiphicostal
angle. On the left side, the line follows the same course
up to the level of the fourth costal cartilage. It then
arches outwards and descends along the stemal margin
up to the sixth costal cartilage.
The inferior margin, or the costodiaphragmatic line
of pleural reflection passes laterally from the lower limit
of its anterior margin, so that it crosses the eighth rib in
the midclavicular line, the tenth rib in the midaxillary
line, and the twelfth rib at the lateral border of the
sacrospinalis muscle (Frg. 21.2). Further it passes
horizontally a little below the 12th rib to the lower

Midclavicular line
Midaxillary line
Left pleural sac

Level of fourth costal cartilage

Thoracic wall
Level of sixth costal cartilage

Costal margin

Twelfth rib

Lower border of body of vertebra Tl 2 or upper

Surface marking is the projection of deeper structures
on the surface of body.

The bony and soft tissue surface landmarks have been
described in Chapter 12.
The surface marking of important structures is
described here.
o Pleura (Fig.21.1)
o Lungs (Figs 2L.2 to 21.4)
e Heart (Fig.21.5)

. Cardiac valves (Fi9.21,$)

Surfoce Morking of Poilelol Pleuro

The ceraical pleura is represented by a curved line
forming a dome over the medial one-third of the clavicle

Level of upper border of body
of vertebral Tl or spine of C7

Sternal angle

Right pleural sac

Xiphisternal joint

Right xiphicostal angle

Level of eighth rib

Level of tenth rib

border of spine of the same vertebra
Fig.21 "1: Surface marking of the parietal pleura

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