Human Anatomy Vol 1

(mdmrcog) #1


(see Figs 14.11
and 21.7)

Mediastinal arteries
Two anterior intercostal
Perforating arteries

Superior epigastric


Ascending Aorto

(see Fig. 19.2)

(see Fig. 19.2)

Brachiocephalic artery

Left common carotid

Left subclavian artery

(see Fig. 14.8)

: Tebb A2.2 Arteries of thorax

Origin, course and termination
Arises from inferior aspect of 1st part of subclavian
artery. lts origin lies^2 cm above the sternal end of the
clavicle. lt runs downwards, fonarards and medially
behind the clavicle and behind the 1-6 costal
cartilages and 1-5 intercostal spaces to terminate in
the 6th intercostal space by dividing into superior
epigastric and musculophrenic arteries
Branch of internal thoracic artery

Small branches of internal thoracic artery
Two arteries each arise in 1-6 upper intercostal
spaces from internal thoracic
Arise from internal thoracic artery in 2nd, 3rd and 4th
Terminal branch of internal thoracic artery. Enters the
rectus sheath and ends by anastomosing with inferior
epigastric artery, a branch of external iliac artery
This is also the terminal branch of internal thoracic
artery. Ends by giving 2 anterior intercostal arteries in
7-9 intercostal spaces and by supplying the thoraco-
abdominal diaphragm
Arise from the upper end of left ventricle. lt is about
5 cm long and is enclosed in the pericardium. lt runs
upwards, forwards and to the right and continues as the
arch of aorta at the sternal end of upper border of 2nd
right costal cartilage. At the root of aorta, there are three
dilatations of the vessel wall called the aortic sinuses.
These are anterior, left posterior and right posterior
It begins behind the upper border of 2nd right sterno-
chondral joint. Runs upwards, backwards and to left
across the left side of bifurcation of trachea. Then it
passes behind the left bronchus and on the left side
of body of T4 vertebra by becoming continuous with
the descending thoracic aofta
1st branch of arch of aorta. Runs upwards and soon
divides into right common carotid and right subclavian

It runs upwards on the left side of trachea and at upper
border of thyroid cartilage. The artery ends by dividing
into internal carotid and external carotid arteries
It is the last branch of arch of aorta. Buns to left in the
root of neck behind scalenus anterior muscle, then on
the upper sudace of 1st rib. At the outer border of 1st
rib, it continues as the axillary artery
Begins on the left side of the lower border of body of
T4 vertebra. Descends with inclination to right and
ends at the lower border olf12 vertebra by
continuing as abdominal aorta

Area of distribution
It supplies pericardium, thymus, upper six
intercostal spaces in their anterior parts,
mammary gland, rectus sheath and also
7-9 intercostal spaces. Thus it supplies
anterior thoracic and anterior abdominal
walls from the clavicle to the umbilicus

Supplies fibrous and parietal layer of serous
pericardia and the diaphragm
Supply thymus and fat in the mediastinum
Supply muscles of the 1{ intercostal spaces
and parietal pleura
They are large enough to supply the
mammary gland
Supplies the aponeuroses which form the
rectus sheath, including the rectus
Supplies the muscles of anterior parts of 7-9
intercostal spaces, and the muscle fibres of
the thoracoabdominal diaPhragm

Supplies the hearl musculature with the help
of right coronary and left coronary arteries,
described later.

Through its three branches, namely brachio-
cephalic, left common carotid and left
subclavian arteries, arch of aorta supplies
part of brain, head, neck and upper limb

Through these two branches part of the right
half of brain, head, neck are supplied. The
distribution of 2 branches on right side is
same as on the left side
The two branches supply brain, structures
in the head and neck

Gives branches which supply parl of brain,
part of thyroid gland, muscles around
scapula, 1st and 2nd posterior intercostal
3-11 posterior intercostal spaces, subcostal
area, lung tissue, oesophagus, pericardium,
mediastinum and diaPhragm

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