Human Anatomy Vol 1

(mdmrcog) #1

  1. Mediastinum
    a. Anterior mediastinum i. Trachea
    b. Middle mediastinum ii. Azygos vein
    c. Posterior mediastinum iii. Heart
    d. Superior mediastinum iv. Sterno-

B. For eoch of the incomplele slotements or
questions below, one or more onswers given is/
ore corect. Select
A. If only a, b and c are correct
B. If only a and c are correct
C. If only b and d are correct
D. If only d is correct
E. If all are correct
L. The apex of the heart:
a. Is formed only by left ventricle
b. Is situated in the left sth intercostal space
c. Is just medial to midclavicular line
d. Is directed downwards, backwards and to the

  1. The aortic opening in the diaphragm:
    a. Lies at the lowerborder of L2th thoracic vertebra
    b. Transmits aorta, thoracic duct and azygos vein
    c. Lies in the central tendinous part of the
    d. Is quadrangular in shape

The trachea:
a. Extends in cadaver from C5 to T4.
b. Deviates to the right at its termination
c. Is lined by ciliated pseudostratified epithelium
d. Is seen as a vertical radiopaque shadow in
Thoracic duct:
a. Begins at the lower border of Ll
b. Is the upward continuation of cisterna chyli
c. Enters the thorax through vena caval opening
in the diaphragm
d. Ends by opening at the junction of left
subclavian and left internal jugular veins
Bronchopulmonary segment:
a. Is aeratedby a segmental bronchus
b. Is pyramidal in shape with its base directed
towards periphery
c. Is an independent respiratory unit
d. Is supplied by its own separate branch of
pulmonary artery and vein
Visceral pleura:
a. Is pain insensitive
b. Develops from splanchnopleuric mesoderm
c. Covers all the surfaces of the lung including
fissures but not the hilum
d. Is innervated by autonomic nerves






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