Human Anatomy Vol 1

(mdmrcog) #1
a. Lateral border of latissimus dorsi
b. Posterior border of external oblique muscle of
c. Iliac crest
d. Quadratus lumborum

  1. Trapezius is not attached to:
    4. Posterior primary rami of one of the following
    nerve gives cutaneous branch:
    a. C1
    c. L4,L5

b. c7,cg
d. sl

a. Clavicle
c. Occiput

b. First rib
d. Scapula

  1. \A/hich structures does not lie just deep to trapezius
    a. Spinal accessory nerve
    b. Superficial branch of transverse cervical artery
    c. Deep branch of transverse cervical artery
    d. C3 and C4 nerves

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