Human Anatomy Vol 1

(mdmrcog) #1


  1. Coracobrachialis
    (Figs 2.8 and 2.16)

  2. Biceps brachii

  3. Brachialis


  1. Coracobrachialis

  2. Biceps brachii

Table 8.1: Attachments of muscles
Origin from

. The tip of the coracoid process with the short head
of the biceps brachii
It has two heads of origin
. The short head arises with coracobrachialis from the
tip of the coracoid process
. The long head arises from the supraglenoid tubercle
of the scapula and from the glenoidal labrum. The
tendon is intracapsular
. Lower half of the front of the humerus, including both
the anteromedial and anterolateral surfaces and the
-anterior border
Superiorly the origin embraces the insertion of the
. Medial and lateral intermuscular septa

Table 8.2: Nerve supply and actions of muscles
Nerve supply
Musculocutaneous nerve (C5-C7)
Musculocutaneous nerve (C5, C6)

lnseftion into
The middle 5 cm of the medial border of the

. Posterior rough part of the radial tuberosity.
The tendon is separated from the anterior
part of the tuberosity by a bursa (Fig. 8.4)
. The tendon gives off an extension called
the bicipital aponeurosis which extends to
ulna and it separates median cubital vein
from brachial artery
. Coronoid process and ulnar tuberosity
. Bough anterior surface of the coronoid
process of the ulna




  1. Brachialis. Musculocutaneous nerve is motor
    . Badial nerve is proprioceptive

5 Veins
i. The basilic vein pierces the deep fascia.
ii. Two venae comitantes of the brachial artery may
unite to form one brachial vein.
6 Neraes
i. The median nerve crosses the brachial artery from
the lateral to the medial side.
ii. The ulnar nerve pierces the medial intermuscular
septum with the superior ulnar collateral artery
and goes to the posterior compartment.
iii. The radial nerve pierces the lateral intermuscular
septum with the anterior descending (radial
collateral) branch of the profunda brachii artery
and passes from the posterior to the anterior
iv. The medial cutaneous nerve of the arm pierces
the deep fascia.
v. The medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm
pierces the deep fascia.

Morphologically, the muscle is very important for
following reasons.

Flexes the arm at the shoulder joint

. lt is strong supinator when the forearm is flexed
All screwing movements are done with it
. lt is a flexor of the elbow
. The short head is a flexor of the arm
. The long head prevents upwards displacement of the
head of the humerus
. lt can be tested against resistance as shown in Fig.8.6
Flexes forearm at the elbow joint

Morphologically the coracobrachialis represents the
medial compartment, which is so well developed in the
In some animals it is a tricipital muscle. In man the
upper two heads have fused and musculocutaneous
nerve passes between the two, and the lowest third head
has disappeared. Persistence of the lower head in man
is associated with the presence of "ligament of
Struthers", which is a fibrous band extending from the
trochlear spine to the medial epicondyle of the humerus,
to which the third head of the coracobrachialis is
inserted, and from the lower part of which the pronator
teres muscle takes origin. Beneath the ligament pass the
median nerve or brachial artery or both.
The front or anterior compartment of the arm is
homologous with flexor and medial compartments of
the thigh. The flexor compartments of thigh lies
posteriorly because the lower limb bud rotates medially.

The musculocutaneous nerve is the main nerve of the
front of the arm, and continues below the elbow as the
lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm (see Fig.7.1).
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