i. Median nerve on the medial side of brachial artery.
ii. Terminal part of brachialartery bifurcating into radial
and ulnar arteries.
iii. The tendon of biceps brachii muscle between the
brachial artery and radial nerve.
iv. The radial nerve on a deeper plane on the lateral
side of biceps tendon.
ldentify brachialis and supinator muscles, forming
the floor of cubital fossa.
Olecranon fossa
Fig. 8.13: Nerves related to posterior aspect of humerus
Cubital (Lattn cubitus, elbow) fossa is a triangular hollow
situated on the front of the elbow. (It is homologous
with the popliteal fossa of the lower limb situated on
the back of the knee.)
Laterally - Medial border of the brachioradialis
(Fig. B.1a).
Medially - Lateral border of the pronator teres.
Base It is directed upwards, and is represented
by an imaginary line joining t}re ftont of
two epicondyles of the humerus.
Apex It is directed downwards, and is formed
by the meeting point of the lateral and
medial boundaries.
Fig.8.14: Boundaries of the right cubital fossa
The roof of the cubital fossa (Fig. 8.15) is formed by:
a. Skin.
b. Superficial fascia containing the median cubital vein
joining the cephalic and basilic veins. The lateral
cutaneous nerve of the forearm lies along with
cephalic vein and the medial cutaneous nerve of the
forearm along with basilic vein.
c. Deep fascia.
d. Bicipital aponeurosis.
It is formed by:
i. Brachialis (Figs 8.16a and b) and.
ii. Supinator surrounding the upper part of radius
The fossa is actually very narrow. The contents
described are seen after retracting the boundaries. From
medial to the lateral side, the contents are as follows.
1 The median neroe: It gives branches to flexor carpi
radialis, palmaris Iongus, flexor digitorum
superficialis and leaves the fossa by passing between
the two heads of pronator teres (Figs 8.L7 and 8.18).
2 The termination of the brachial artery, and the beginning
of the radial and ulnar arteries lie in the fossa.
The radial artery is smaller and more superficial than
the ulnar artery. It gives off the radial recurrent branch.
The ulnar artery goes deep tobothheads of pronator
teres and runs downwards and medially, being