The Reproductive^
The External Anatomy
of the Kidneys.................... 436 The Internal
- Introduction.
- History of the Cell Theory
- Anatomy of a Typical Eukaryotic Cell.
- The Cell Membrane.
- Cytoplasm of the Cell..
- The Nucleus.
- Nuclear Membrane.
- Nucleoplasm.
- Chromatin.
- Nucleolus.
- The Mitochondria.
- Lysosomes..
- Endoplasmic Reticulum
- The Rough or Granular ER
- The Agranular or Smooth ER.
- The Golgi Apparatus
- Ribosomes..
- Protein Synthesis
- Centrioles
- Cilia and Flagella..
- Plastids of Plant Cells..
- The Cell Wall of Plant Cells.
- Summary Outline
- Review Questions
- Laboratory Exercise: Cell Structure.
- Introduction to Cellular Metabolism.
- Cellular Metabolism or Biochemical Respiration
- Glycolysis.
- The Krebs Citric Acid Cycle
- The Electron Transport (Transfer) System..
- the Citric Acid Cycle, and Electron Transport.. Summary of ATP Production during Glycolysis,
- Anaerobic Respiration.
- Fermentation.
- Anaerobic Production of ATP by Muscles.
- Production of ATP from General Food Compounds.
- Molecule. Summary of ATP Production from One Glucose
- Introduction to Cellular Reproduction.
- The Structure of the DNA Molecule.
- The History of the Discovery of DNA.
- The Anatomy of the DNA Molecule
- The Cell Cycle. Tissues
- Interphase
- Mitosis
- Prophase.
- Metaphase.
- Anaphase.
- Telophase.
- Cytokinesis.
- Meiosis: A Reduction Division.
- The Stages of Meiosis..
- Prophase I
- Metaphase I
- Anaphase I
- Telophase I
- Prophase II.
- Metaphase II.
- Anaphase II.
- Telophase II.
- The Stages of Meiosis..
- Gametogenesis: The Formation of the Sex Cells.
- A Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis
- Summary Outline
- Review Questions
- Laboratory Exercise: Cellular Metabolism
- Laboratory Exercise: Cellular Reproduction.
- Introduction.
- Epithelial Tissue.
- Classification Based on Shape
- Classification Based on Arrangement.
- Classification Based on Function
- Connective Tissue.
- Functions. Connective Tissue 100 Connective Tissue
- Muscle Tissue
- Nervous Tissue.
- Summary Outline
- Review Questions
- Laboratory Exercise: Tissues.
- The Cell Cycle. Tissues
- Bone Markings. System
- Processes
- Fossae
- Divisions of the Skeleton.
- The Axial Skeleton.
- The Cranial Bones
- The Facial Bones..
- The Orbits.
- The Nasal Cavities.
- The Foramina of the Skull
- The Hyoid Bone.
- How to Study the Bones of the Skull
- The Torso or Trunk..
- The Thorax
- The Sternum..
- The Ribs.
- The Appendicular Skeleton.
- The Bones of the Upper Extremities
- The Bones of the Lower Extremities
- The Arches of the Foot
- Summary Outline
- Review Questions
- Laboratory Exercise: The Skeletal System.
- Introduction.
- The Classification of Joints: Structure and Function.
- Synarthroses..
- Synovial Joints.. Amphiarthroses. 182 Diarthroses or
- Movements at Synovial Joints.
- The Six Types of Diarthroses or Synovial Joints.
- Bursae
- Summary Outline
- Review Questions
- Laboratory Exercise: The Articular System.
- Introduction.
- The Types of Muscle.
- The Anatomy of Skeletal or Striated Muscle.
- The Physiology of Muscle Contraction.
- Neuroelectrical Factors..
- Sources Chemical Interactions. 205 Energy
- Bone Markings. System
- The Muscle Twitch x-
- Muscle Tone.
- The Anatomy of Smooth Muscle.
- The Anatomy of Cardiac Muscle
- The Naming and Actions of Skeletal Muscles
- Skeletal Muscles. The Function and Location of Selected
- Muscles of Facial Expression.
- Muscles of Mastication
- Muscles of the Eye
- Muscles Moving the Head.
- Muscles Moving the Shoulder Girdle
- Muscles Moving the Humerus.
- Muscles Moving the Elbow.
- Muscles Moving the Wrist.
- Muscles Moving the Hand
- Muscles Moving the Thumb.
- Muscles Moving the Fingers.
- Muscles of the Abdominal Wall.
- Muscles of Respiration or Breathing..
- Muscles Moving the Femur
- Muscles Moving the Knee Joint.
- Muscles Moving the Foot.
- Muscles Moving the Toes.
- Summary Outline
- Review Questions
- Laboratory Exercise: The Muscular System.
- Introduction.
- Organization.
- Classification of Nerve Cells
- Neuroglia Cells
- The Structure of a Neuron.
- Structural Classification of Neurons.
- Functional Classification of Neurons.
- The Physiology of the Nerve Impulse
- The Synaptic Transmission.
- The Reflex Arc
- Grouping of Neural Tissue.
- The Spinal Cord.
- Functions of the Spinal Cord.
- The Spinal Nerves.
- Summary Outline
- Review Questions
- Laboratory Exercise: The Nervous System
- CHAPTER Circulatory System
- Introduction.
- Functions of the Blood.
- and the Composition of Plasma. The Classification of Blood Cells
- Formation of Blood Cells: Hematopoiesis.
- Blood Cell Anatomy and Functions.
- The Clotting Mechanism.
- The Blood Groups.
- The ABO Blood Group.
- The Rh Blood Group
- Summary Outline
- Review Questions
- Laboratory Exercise: The Blood.
- Introduction.
- The Anatomy of the Heart
- The Layers of the Heart Wall
- The Chambers of the Heart
- The Great Vessels of the Heart.
- The Valves of the Heart
- Blood Flow through the Heart
- of the Heart The Conduction System
- A Cardiac Cycle.
- Some Major Blood Circulatory Routes.
- Anatomy of Blood Vessels
- of the Body. Major Arteries and Veins
- Ascending Aorta Branches.
- Aortic Arch Branches..
- Thoracic Aorta Branches.
- Abdominal Aorta Branches
- Veins Merging into the Superior Vena Cava.
- Veins Merging into the Inferior Vena Cava..
- Summary Outline
- Review Questions
- Laboratory Exercise: The Cardiovascular System
- Introduction.
- Functions of the Lymphatic Vessels. The Functions of the System and the Structure and
- Lymphatic Vessels.
- Lymph Nodes Circulatory System
- Lymph Circulation
- The Organs of the Lymphatic System.
- CHAPTER Circulatory System
- CHAPTER Digestive System
- Immunity The Respiratory System
- Antigens and Antibodies.
- and Other Defenses Cells of the Immune Response
- Summary Outline
- Review Questions
- Laboratory Exercise: The Lymphatic System.
- Introduction.
- General Organization
- Histology
- The Mouth or Oral Cavity
- The Salivary Glands
- Teeth
- The Pharynx.
- The Esophagus.
- The Stomach.
- The Pancreas
- The Liver
- The Gallbladder.
- The Small Intestine.
- The Large Intestine.
- The Formation of the Feces.
- Summary Outline
- Review Questions
- Laboratory Exercise: The Digestive System
- Introduction.
- The Anatomy and Functions of the Nose.
- The Structure and Functions of the Pharynx.
- The Larynx or Voice Box
- The Trachea
- The Bronchi and the Bronchial Tree.
- The Anatomy and Function of the Lungs.
- The Respiration Process.
- Lung Capacity.
- Summary Outline
- Review Questions
- Laboratory Exercise: The Respiratory System
- CHAPTER The Urinary System
- Introduction.
- Functions of the Urinary System
- of the Kidneys Anatomy
- The Anatomy of the Nephrons.
- Blood and Nerve Supply to the Nephrons.
- Physiology of the Nephrons.
- The Ureters: Anatomy and Function.
- The Urinary Bladder and the Micturition Reflex
- The Urethra: Male and Female Positions.
- Summary Outline
- Review Questions
- Laboratory Exercise: The Urinary System
- Introduction.
- The Male Reproductive System.
- The Scrotum..
- The Testes.
- The Anatomy of the Spermatozoa..
- The Functions of Testosterone.
- The Ducts of the System
- The Accessory Glands
- Semen..
- The Penis
- The Female Reproductive System.
- The Ovaries.
- The Uterine or Fallopian Tubes.
- The Uterus..
- The Menstrual Cycle.
- The Functions of Estrogen
- The Vagina..
- The External Genitalia of the Female
- The Perineum.
- of the Mammary Glands. The Anatomy and Function
- Pregnancy and Embryonic Development.
- Summary Outline
- Review Questions
- Laboratory Exercise: The Reproductive System
- Appendix.
- Glossary.
- Index