Cellular Metabolism and Reproduction: Mitosis and Meiosis
mitosis, look-alike chromosomes did not pair up with one
another. In meiosis, homologous chromosomes are brought
so close together that they line up side by side in a process
called synapsis. We now have a pair of homologous
chromosomes each with two sister chro-matids. The visible
pair of chromosomes is called a tetrad (Figure 4-14). The
chromosomes are so close together that they may actually
exchange genetic material in a process called crossing-
over. Actual segments of DNA are exchanged between the
sister chromatids of the homologous chromosomes.
Crossing-over is a com-mon but random event and it occurs
only in meiosis. Evidence of crossing-over can be seen with
a light microscope as an X-shaped structure known as a
chiasma or chiasmata (key-AZZ-mah-tah) (plural). The
spindle forms from microtubules just as in mitosis;
paired chromosomes separate slightly and orient them-
selves on the spindle attached by their centromere.
Metaphase I
Spindle microtubules attach to the kinetochore only on the
outside of each centromere, and the centromeres of the two
homologous chromosomes are attached to microtubules
originating from opposite poles. This one-sided attachment
in meiosis is in contrast to mito-sis whose kinetochore on
both sides of a centromere is held by microtubules. This
ensures that the homologous chromosomes will be pulled to
opposite poles of the cell. The homologous chromosomes
line up on the equato-rial plate. The centromeres of each
pair lie opposite one another. The orientation on the spindle
is random; thus, either homologue might be oriented to
either pole.
Terminal chiasma
Terminal chiasma
Meiosis Mitosis
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Figure 4- 14 The pairing up of homologous chromosomes in prophase I of meiosis produces figures
called tetrads. When crossing--over occurs, it is visible and it is called chiasmata.