Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

84 Chapter 4


Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Daughter cells
Chromosomes con- Microtubule Sister chromatids Chromatids arrive Cell division com-
dense. Spindle spindle apparatus separate and at each pole, and plete. Each cell
fibers form attaches to move to opposite new nuclear mem- receives chromo-
between centri- chromosomes. poles. branes form. Cell somes that are
oles which move Chromosomes division begins. identical to those
toward opposite align along spindle in original nucleus.
poles.^ equator.^

Prophase I Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I Daughter cells
Homologous Microtubule Homologous pairs One set of paired Each cell receives
chromosomes spindle apparatus of chromosomes chromosomes exchanged
further condense attaches to separate and arrives at each chromosomal
and pair. Crossing- chromosomes. move to opposite pole, and nuclear material from
over occurs. Homologous pairs poles. division begins. homologous
Spindle fibers align along spindle Centromeres do chromosomes.
form between equator. not divide.
centrioles which
move toward
opposite poles.

Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II Daughter cells
Chromosomes re- Microtubule Sister chromatids Chromatids arrive Cell division com-
condense. Spindle spindle apparatus separate and at each pole, and plete. Each cell
fibers form between attaches to move to opposite cell division ends up with half
centrioles which chromosomes. poles. begins. the original number
move toward Chromosomes Centromeres of chromosomes.
opposite poles.^ align along spindle.^ divide.^

Figure 4- 17 A comparison of mitosis and meiosis.

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