Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1


  1. It protects vital organs (bones of skull and thorax) and
    provides immunity (lymphoid tissue and white blood


  1. It insulates and maintains temperature (adipose


  1. It provides storage areas: bone stores calcium and

phosphorous, adipose tissue stores fat.^

  1. It attaches and separates other tissues of the body.

Muscle Tissue

  1. The three types of muscle tissue are smooth, striated or

skeletal, and cardiac.^

  1. Due to the interaction of two proteins, actin and
    myosin, muscle cells can shorten their length or
    contract. Some pull on bones through tendons and

bring about movement.^

  1. Smooth muscle cells are long, unicellular, and
    nonstriated. They are involuntary and are arranged in
    two layers around hollow organs: an outer lon-
    gitudinal layer and an inner circular one. They are
    found in the digestive tract, arteries and veins, and the

ureters of the kidney.^

  1. Striated or skeletal muscle cells are long, multinu-
    cleated, and striated. They are voluntary and pull on

bone, causing movement.^

  1. Cardiac muscle cells are found only in the heart. They
    are striated, uninucleated, and cylindrical in shape with
    branches that connect to branches of other cardiac cells
    via intercalated disks. These cells are responsible- for
    pumping blood through the heart.

Nervous Tissue

  1. Nervous tissue is composed of two types of nerve
    cells: neurons are conducting cells and neuroglia

are supporting and protecting cells.^

  1. A neuron is composed of a cell body with a nucleus,
    extensions of the cell body called dendrites, and a

long axon with axon endings.^

  1. Nervous tissue controls and coordinates the
    activities- of the body.

Review Questions

1.^ Name the three cell^ shapes of epithelial tissue.^
2. Name the two types of exocrine glands and give an

example of each.^

  1. Name four functions of epithelial tissue.


*4. Compare the structure of epithelial tissue with that of
connective tissue.^
*5. Why is adipose tissue considered a good

  1. Name five functions of connective tissue and give
    7.^ Name the three types of muscle tissue.^

  2. Name the two types of nerve cells found in nervous
    *Critical Thinking Questions

Fill in the Blank
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate term.

  1. The three types of loose connective tissue are: (^)
    (^) , , (^)
    and. (^)

  2. are cells that form fibrils and (^)
    are active in the repair of injury. (^)

  3. are phagocytic cells that (^)
    operate outside the vascular system—they are often (^)
    fixed and are found in areolar tissue. (^)

  4. cells function in the produc- (^)
    tion of heparin and histamine. (^)

  5. tissue is loose connective (^)
    tissue with fat-containing cells. (^)

  6. Examples of dense connective tissue having a regu- (^)
    lar arrangement of fibers are , (^)
    (^) , and. (^)

  7. Examples of dense connective tissue hav-
    ing an irregular arrangement of fibers are^

, , (^)
, and^
8. The three types of cartilage are (^)
(^) , , and (^)


(^). (^)
The two common types of bone tissue are (^)
(^) and. (^)
A tooth is made up of ; (^)
the crown of the tooth is covered by (^)
(^) , the hardest substance in (^)
the body. (^)
11. membranes line the cavities (^)
of the freely moving joints and bursae.^

  1. The two types of protein fibers that can be
    found in the matrix of connective tissue are^

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