Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

The Integumentary System 135

The Integumentary System

Materials needed: A compound microscope are keratinized and squamous. Note the two (^)
and prepared microscope slides layers of the dermis: the papillary portion (^)

  1. Examine a prepared slide of a section of and the reticular portion. (^)
    skin from the palm of the hand. Try to dis- 2. Examine a prepared slide of hair shafts from (^)
    tinguish the different layers of the epider- the human scalp. Note the structure of the (^)
    mis. Note the basement membrane. Notice hair follicle surrounding the shaft of hair. (^)
    that the cells closest to the basement mem- 3. Your instructor will show you a videotape or (^)
    brane are nonkeratinized and cuboidal, but^ CD-ROM on β€œThe Skin.”^
    those farthest away in the stratum corneum

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