The Skeletal System 159
Figure 7- 14
of University Fankhauser, David Dr. by Photography
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(^) Cengage ©
(C) an axis vertebra; (D) an atlas vertebra. (Continued)
of University Fankhauser, David Dr. by Photography
® Learning
2016 ©
(A) (B) (C)
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Cengage ©
Figure 7- 15 Abnormal curvatures of the spine: (A) kyphosis; (B) lordosis; (C)
The Ribs
The 12 pairs of ribs are also referred to as the costae
(Figure- 7-17). They are named according to their ante-rior
attachments. Because the upper seven pairs articu-late
directly with the sternum, they are called true ribs. The
lower five pairs are called false ribs. The costal carti-lages
of the 8th, 9th, and 10th rib pairs are attached to the
cartilage of the 7th rib, so they join the sternum only in-
directly. Because the 11th and 12th pairs of ribs have no
cartilage and do not attach at all anteriorly, these “false”
ribs have another name, floating ribs. Of course, all ribs
attach posteriorly to the thoracic vertebrae.
The Appendicular Skeleton.
The Bones of the Upper Extremities
The bones of the upper extremities include the bones of the
shoulder girdle, the arm, the forearm, the wrist, the hand,
and the fingers.