Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1



Chapter 7

There are many careers available to individuals who are interested in the skeletal system.

● Athletic trainers provide guidance to develop muscles and bones for agility, good
looks, and sports training.^
● Chiropractors or doctors of chiropractic complete at least 2 years of premedical
studies, followed by 4 years of study in an approved chiropractic school, learning
mechanical manipulation of the spinal column as a method to maintain a healthy
nervous system.^
● Prosthetists are individuals who create artificial limbs.
● Orthopedists are physicians specializing in preventing and correcting disorders of the
skeleton, joints, and muscles. There are also careers in orthopedic nursing.^
● Orthotists are individuals who design, make, and fit braces or other orthopedic
devices prescribed by a physician.^
● Paramedics and emergency medical technicians can also further train and specialize
in the treatment of skeletal system disorders like broken bones and fractures.

Common Disease, Disorder, or Condition


Osteoporosis (oss-tee-oh-poh-ROH-sis) is a disorder of the skeletal system character-
ized by a decrease in bone mass with accompanying increased susceptibility to bone
fractures. This results from decreased levels of estrogens that occur after meno-pause
in women and in both men and women in old age. Estrogens help maintain bone tissue
by stimulating osteoblasts to form new bone.
Osteoporosis occurs more often in middle-aged and elderly women, but it can also
affect teenagers who do not eat a proper balanced diet, people allergic to dairy
products, and anyone with eating disorders. The bone mass becomes depleted in such
a way that the skeleton cannot withstand everyday mechanical stress. Bone fractures
are common, even from normal daily activities. This disease is responsible
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