The Articular System
The Articular System
Materials needed: An articulated skeleton, ana-
tomic models of the shoulder joint and hip joint
that can be disarticulated showing muscles, ten-
dons, bones, and cartilage
- Examine the ball-and-socket joint of the hip
and shoulder. Identify the capsular nature of
the joints by viewing the muscle, tendon,
ligaments, and cartilage. If possible, pop out
the head of the femur from the acetabulum
and view the structure of the joint.^ - Examine the bones of the elbow and knee
joint on the skeleton, noting how the bones fit
together to allow flexion and extension. - Study the hand. Note the flexion and exten-
sion hinge joints of the fingers, and the sad-
dle joint of the thumb.^ - Examine the wrist joint and the ankle joint.
On the wrist, note the condyloid joint where
the radius articulates with the carpal bones. - Your instructor will show you either a DVD
or a videotape on the anatomy of human