Ma tching
Place the most appropriate number in the blank
Sarcolemma 1. Muscle bundles
Fascia 2. Muscle pain
Epimysium 3. Antagonists
Prime movers 4. Inflammation of
Myasthenia gravis muscular tissue
Myositis 5. Areolar tissue
Extensors covering entire
Fasciculi muscle
Tone 6. Steady state of
Myalgia contraction
- Easy tiring of muscles
- Electrically polar-
ized muscle cell
membrane - Agonists
- Connective tis-
sue -covering whole
muscle - Contracture
- Connective tissue
covering- a fascicle
Chapter 9
Search and Explore
● Visit the Muscular Dystrophy Associa-tion
website at http://www.mda.org and
research one of the types of muscular
dystrophy. Write one to two paragraphs in
your notebook on what you learned about
this disease.^
● Search the Internet with key words from
the chapter to discover additional in-
formation and interactive exercises. Key
words might include skeletal muscle,
smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, or physi-
ology of muscle contraction.
Case Study^
Nico Fapoulas, a 48-year-old man, is talking with his health care provider about
symptoms he is experiencing. He states that when he goes for his morning jog, his legs
feel weak and tired. He is having problems with simple tasks that require^
manual dexterity such as writing or unlocking doors. Upon examination, the health care
provider observes some atrophy of the muscles of Nico’s legs, forearms, and hands. He
also notes that Nico is having a slight problem with his speech.
1.^ What disorder do you think Nico might be developing?^
2.^ Why might Nico be experiencing muscle weakness and atrophy?^
3.^ What is the cause of this condition?^
4. What is the prognosis for an individual with this condition?