The Human Body
- The reproductive system includes the ovaries, uter-ine
tubes, uterus, and vagina in women and the testes,
seminal vesicles, prostate gland, penis, and urethra in
men. It maintains sexual characteristics and
perpetuates the species.
- Homeostasis is the maintenance of the internal en-
vironment of the body within certain narrow ranges.^
- Some examples of homeostasis are blood sugar
levels, body temperature, heart rate, and the fluid
environment of the cell.
Review Questions
- Name the systems of the body and their functions.
Indicate what major organs each system contains.^
- The body has two major cavities, each divided into
two lesser cavities. List them and explain what each
cavity contains.^
*3. Discuss how the body maintains homeostasis in
terms of the blood glucose level.^
*4. Discuss how the body maintains homeostasis in
regard to maintaining normal body temperature.^
5.^ Explain what a cell is.^
6. List and define the main directional terms of the
- List and define the three planes of division of the
- Critical Thinking Questions
Place the most appropriate number in the blank
________ Superior 1. Toward the back, dorsal
________ Anterior 2. Uppermost or above
________ Inferior 3. Toward the side
________ Posterior 4. Near the point of
________ Medial attachment or origin
________ Lateral 5. Any plane dividing the body
________ Proximal into superior and inferior
________ Distal 6. Away from the point of
________ Horizontal attachment
________ Midsagittal 7. Toward the front, ventral
- The plane vertically
dividing the body into equal
right and left halves - Toward the heart
- Near the midline of the
body - Lowermost or below
(^) 12. Frontal
Search and Explore
● Search the Internet with keywords from
the chapter to discover additional
information and interactive exercises.
keywords- might include homeostasis,
body planes, and anatomic positions.
Study Tools
Study Guide Activities for Chapter 1
Online Resources PowerPoint presentations