Ma tching
Place the most appropriate number in the blank provided.
Chapter 10
Search and Explore
Astrocytes White
matter Ganglia
Horns Meninges
Gray matter
- Produce myelin sheath on
neurons^ - Nerve cell bodies outside
3.^ Engulf and destroy microbes^
4.^ Bundles of fibers in the CNS^ - Attach neurons to their
blood vessels^ - Unmyelinated axons and
neuroglia^ - Coverings around brain
and spinal cord^
8.^ Gray matter in spinal cord^
9.^ Reflex arc^ - Mass of nerve cell bodies
and dendrites in CNS^ - Myelinated neurons
- White matter in spinal cord
● Search the Internet with key words from
the chapter to discover additional infor-
mation. Key words might include central
nervous system, classification of nerve
cells, structure of a neuron, physiology of
nerve impulse, spinal cord, and spinal
Case Study^
Three high school students are being evaluated by health care providers at a drug re-
habilitation clinic that serves adolescents. Hector, a 15-year-old boy, appears agi-tated
and restless. He tells his health care provider that he is having muscle spasms. Upon
examination, the care provider notes that Hector has a rapid heart rate and a dan-
gerously high blood pressure. Carolyn, a 16-year-old girl, is being reassessed following a
visit to the emergency room last night. According to her ER records, Carolyn was at a
party with her friends when she suddenly had a seizure. Her records also document that
she had an abnormal heart rate upon admission. Dante, a 14-year-old boy, was also
admitted to the ER the night before. Dante’s parents found him lying on the couch in a
deep sleep. When they could not arouse their son, they rushed him to the hospital where
he experienced a convulsion. Later that night, Dante’s parents discovered medi-^
cation hidden in his room that his mother had used earlier, following major surgery.
Review Questions
3.^ What type of drug do you think Hector might be using?^
4.^ What long-term problems can this type of drug cause?^
5.^ What drug likely caused Carolyn’s seizure and abnormal heart rhythm?^
6.^ How do users obtain the most dramatic “high” when using this drug?^
7.^ What drug might have caused Dante’s symptoms?^
8. Do you think the drug Dante used is legal or illegal, or does it depend on the