Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1



Key Terms

Abducens nerve (VI)......... 260 Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX).. 260 Parietal lobe.......... 257 ..... (^)
Accessory nerve (XI)......... 260 Gyri..................... 257 .. Pineal gland.............. 256 .. (^)
Aqueous humor........ 263 .... Hypoglossal nerve (XII)....... 260 Pituitary gland............ 256 .. (^)
Auditory or eustachian tube.. 266 Hypothalamus............. 256. Pons varolii............ 254 .... (^)
Auricle................ 265 .... Incus.................... 266.. Pupil................... 263 ... (^)
Autonomic nervous system... 258 Infundibulum.............. 256. Reticular formation......... 254. (^)
Brainstem................ 253 .. Insula................... 258 .. Retina................... 263 .. (^)
Cerebellum........... 258.... Interventricular. foramen/ Rhodopsin................ 265. (^)
Cerebral aqueduct/
foramen of
Monro........ 253. Round window............ 266. (^)
aqueduct of Sylvius.
....... 253 Iris..................... 263 ... (^) Sclera.. (^263)
Cerebral cortex........... 257 .. Lens................. 263 ..... Stapes............. 266 ...... (^)
Cerebral hemispheres....... 257. Longitudinal fissure....... 257 .. (^) Sulci....... 257 .... (^)
Cerebrum................ 257 .. Malleus............. 266 ...... (^)
Cerumen............ 265 ..... Mamillary. bodies........ 256 ... Sympathetic divisionTaste buds.... .....^263.^258 .. ...^
Ceruminous glands
265. Medulla oblongata

... 254.

. (^)

Taste cells
Choroid.............. 263.... .Midbrain/mesencephalon... 254..^......^263
Temporal lobe 257
Ciliary body 263 Occipital lobe.. 258.

....... (^)
........... (^) Thalamus.... 256
Conjunctiva 263 Oculomotor nerve (III)..... 259 ..
. (^)
...... (^) Trigeminal nerve (V) 260.
Cornea.... 263 Olfactory nerve (I) 259
........ (^)
......... (^) Trochlear nerve (IV)... 260.
Corpus callosum

.... 257 .. Olfactory sense..... 261.


... (^) Tympanic membrane.. 265.
Decussation of pyramids.... 254. Optic chiasma...... 256 ... (^) Vagus nerve (X) 260.
Diencephalon.......... 256.... Optic disk
265 ..


..... (^) Ventral cerebral
Dorsal tectum

.... 254 ... Optic nerve (II)


......... 254 .. (^)
External auditory meatus..... 265 Optic tracts............ 256 .... Ventricles................ 253 .. (^)
Facial nerve (VII).......... 260 .. Oval window.............. 266. Vestibulocochlear (^)
Fovea centralis......... 264 .... Papillae............. 263 ....

. nerve. (VIII)....

......... 260 .. (^)
Frontal lobe.............. 257 .. Parasympathetic division..... 258 Vitreous humor............ 264. (^)

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