Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1



Key Terms

Acid........................ 31
Active transport.............. 30
Adenosine triphosphate
(ATP)................... 17..
Amine group............... 24.
Ammonia................. 22..
Atomic number............. 18.
Atoms.................... 18 ..
Base....................... 31
Bonds................... 20 ...
Brownian movement......... 28
Buffers................... 32..
Carbohydrates.............. 22.
Carbon dioxide.............. 22
Carboxyl group............. 23.
Catalysts................... 25.
Compound................ 20..
Covalent bond.............. 20.
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)... 25
Deoxyribose................ 22.
Diffusion................... 28
Electron acceptors............ 21
Electron carriers.............. 21
Electron donors............. 21.
Electrons.................... 18

Element.................... 18
Energy..................... 21
Energy levels............... 19.
Enzymes.................. 25 ..
Fatty acids.................. 23
Fructose.................. 22..
Glucose.................... 22.
Glycerol.................... 23
Glycogen................... 22
Hydrogen bond.............. 20
Hydroxyl group............. 23.
Hypertonic solution........... 30
Hypotonic solution........... 30
Ionic bond.................. 20
Ions..................... 20 ...
Isotonic solution............. 30
Isotopes.................. 18..
Lipids...................... 23
Messenger RNA............. 25.
Mineral salts/electrolytes...... 22
Molecular oxygen........... 22.
Molecule.................... 20
Neutrons................... 18
Nucleic acid................. 22
Nucleotides................. 25
Orbitals..................... 19
Osmosis.................... 28
Peptide bonds.............. 24.
Periodic table............... 19.
pH....................... 30 ..
Primary structure............. 25
Proteins.................... 24
Protons................... 18 ..
Purines................... 26..
Pyrimidines................. 26
Quaternary structure......... 25
Ribonucleic acid (RNA)........ 25
Ribose..................... 22.
Saturated................. 23..
Secondary structure.......... 25
Selectively permeable
Solute.................... 29..
Solvent.................. 21 ...
Tertiary structure............ 25.
Transfer RNA............... 25.
Triacylglycerol............... 23
Unsaturate d................ 23.
Water................... 21 ...
Because all of the structures of the body (cells, tissues, and
organs) are composed of chemicals, it is necessary to have
a basic understanding of the science of chem-istry. In
addition, the body functions through chemical reactions.
For example, in the digestive process, com-plex foods are
broken down through chemical reactions
into simpler substances such as sugars that can be ab-
sorbed and used by the body’s cells. Later these simple
substances are converted into another kind of chemi-cal
fuel, adenosine- triphosphate (ATP) (ah-DEN-oh-seen
try-FOS-fate), which allows the body cells to do work and
function. Chemistry is the science that deals with the
elements, their compounds, the chemical reactions that
occur- between elements- and compounds, and the

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