Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

The Nervous System: The Brain, Cranial Nerves, Autonomic Nervous System, and the Special Senses 277

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The Nervous System

Materials needed: A model of a human brain, a
sheep or cow eye for dissection, a model of the
external and internal ear, a dissecting pan, and a
dissecting kit

  1. Obtain a model of a preserved human brain
    showing a frontal and cross section. These are
    available from a biologic supply com-pany
    and will be provided by your instruc-tor.
    Identify the various parts of the brain,
    referring to Figure 11-1 in your text. In ad-
    dition, identify the four ventricles of the brain.

  2. Obtain a sheep or cow eye from your in-
    structor. Make a transverse cut through the
    eye with your scalpel. Refer to Figure 11- 10
    in your text. Identify the three layers of the
    eye: the hard white outer sclera, the black

choroid in the middle, and the innermost
retina. Locate the biconvex lens. Anterior to
the lens is the aqueous humor and posterior to
the lens is the vitreous humor. Note the dark
delicate iris surrounding the opening into the
lens, the pupil. If you look care-fully at the
rear half of the eye, you will see a shiny
greenish blue material. This is the ta-petum.
There is no tapetum in a human eye, but in a
cow or sheep eye this area reflects light,
causing the animal’s eye to glow in the dark
when light is shined on it.^

  1. Obtain an anatomic model of the ear from
    your instructor. Identify the auricle and ex-
    ternal auditory meatus of the outer ear, the
    middle ear, and the structures of the inner ear.
    Refer to Figure 11-12 in your text.

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